Source Code


A company that has created an operating system that'll eventually follow in the footsteps of VIKI on I, Robot. It'll first take your memory so you can't do anything without a 5 minute wait, then it'll procced to piss you off with error messages.

Person: Where has all my memory gone?
Windows XXP: I have removed it for you own safty, please remain calm.

*Bill Gates cackles away evily in his office*

by Random Idiot August 23, 2005

206๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž


Company bent on world domination. This however will never happen because people keep transferring over to Linux.

Bob: Man I hate Microsoft Windows Xp!!! :(
Rob: That's why you should have switched to Linux you dolt!

by 1337 |-|4x0|2 May 13, 2006

186๐Ÿ‘ 120๐Ÿ‘Ž


Software company that produces the Windows series of operating systems. Founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, and generally considered responsible for modern computing.

People like to knock their near-monopolistic control of the OS market but in truth, while at times unpleasant, its almost a necessity for widespread computing due to the way OS's work, and how software has to communicate with the OS. Those of you who dabbled with computing in the early '90s when many different computers/OS's on the market instead of just one know what I'm talking about; trying to find a particular piece of software compatible with your particular setup could be hell, and trying to code the stuff was even worse. Having a good compiler helped of course, but it had to be kept up to date on all the latest OS builds and/or you had to do all sorts of manual tweakage with the compiled code, neither of which was a particularly pleasant experience.

Aside from Windows, MS has released a number of things like DirectX to make programmers' lives easier. All in all they help more than they hurt.

An operating system is like the lines on the road, if everyone's not using the same one bad shit starts happening.

by C++ August 16, 2005

241๐Ÿ‘ 173๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pure Crap. The only good thing they've ever made is probably the xbox360 which is full of bugs and crashes (it's an unfinished product)

The day microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is the day they make vacume cleaners.

(bill gates)-join the corporate empire!
(geek)-yes! join microsoft
(dude2)-lol pwnd

by ivansusanin1 January 2, 2006

252๐Ÿ‘ 185๐Ÿ‘Ž


Its both very soft to the touch and micro-sized at the same time, making it the strangest computer company in the world.

Have you seen Microsoft?

Naw, I use Apple. Its a bit sour though.

by ClickedEnter October 19, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. noun : A large company specialising in making cock-ups, and then blaming them on the user.

2. adj : Any entity, company or individual who makes a useful product which can only be used if you buy other, more expensive, products.

3 To Do A Microsoft - to sell a product, claiming that it is good value for money when, in actual fact by the time you buy the addons, it is more expensive than better versions that don't need the add-ons.

1 + 2:

User: I have been infected with a virus and have lost over ยฃ1,000 worth of work from my computer.

Microsoft: That's because you didn't buy a firewall, virus scanner, anti-spam and port blocker.

User: But the Microsoft box said the your product was safe.

Microsoft: Yes, but you didn't use it properly. When we ship the product it is set so that viruses can attack you - you should have spent a week securing it before using it. It wasn't our fault, it was your fault, so tough shit!

3. iTunes music has protection which means that it can only be used on iTunes software and ipods, retricting you enjoyment of the music to their products - they have Done a Microsoft!

by Geordie John February 26, 2006

106๐Ÿ‘ 73๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stealing something or someone to benefit your project or event and to cause distress to another team, person, or company.

Man 1: DT Studios stole Kyle from Phantom Studios because they didn't want him on their team.
Man 2: Really? DTS made the right call microsofting him! Kyle is a great worker.

by AerHx September 24, 2014

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž