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Basically saying "trashy", "not so good", "low quality", "bad", etc.

The word "mid" is pretty mid ngl.

Person 1: "Yooo have you seen Naruto?"

Person 2: "Bro, you mean Midruto?"

Person 1: "I'll take that as a no."


Person 1: "Rate my outfit."

Person 2: "Pretty mid."

by mae1alv April 25, 2022

282πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


Mid is short for mid grade weed,which is not the best and not the worst pot.Which brings "mid" into place.Middle grade marijuana.

"You slangin mid now,cuzz?"

by Product- May 1, 2010

340πŸ‘ 135πŸ‘Ž


Someone who's opinion is depicted to be average or below average. Also a very redundant modern term.

Person 1: Hey I like Destiny 2
Person 2: You are fucking mid

by Falke March 24, 2022

142πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž


The shortened term for middle, despite being commonly used to define something that is atrocious, rather than tolerable.

β€œThis video is mid”

by sonicguy1991 May 8, 2022

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Slang for I want to be homosexually penetrated really hard.

Person 1: mid
Person 2: alright, tonight then.

by ReginaldSmithson November 17, 2021

1282πŸ‘ 624πŸ‘Ž


word used to discredit someone or something, as to say mediocre

KTM: my favorite singer is Justin Bieber
KTV: Jb is mid dude

by yvng.lore January 22, 2022

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


When you have sexual intercourse or take part in sexual intimacy with three midgets in one sitting.

β€œYooo dude. I just got midded last night. I had one dwarf round my neck and the other two on my shaft and balls!!!”

by Miljol July 21, 2020

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž