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Middle School

Middle School (n.) MID del SKOOL
1.) The place where your self-esteem will turn to shit. You will sink into a depression and feel more alone than you have ever felt in your life. Drama awaits around every corner. People hook up, do drugs, make out, cut, drink alchohol, and a number of other stupid things, so they can look back and feel β€œmature”.

2.) The place where you will find yourself backtracking on every promise you have ever made yourself in elementary school. "Be yourself?" "Be unique?" "Don't care about popularity!" Ha! Good luck, kid. It'll be harder than it looks when you're trapped in a cement block full of 400 hormonal preteens.

3.) Junior High Facebook consists of a.) posting "cute" pictures of yourself online, b.) constantly rubbing in the fact that you are Having More Fun than everyone else, and c.) constantly rubbing in the fact that you are "sooooo close" withh all of your "BFFS... or should I say, Sistaas!"

4.) The place that kids are extremely excited to go to at first-- lockers, new teachers, feeling like adults. Soon the novelty will wear off and you will see it for what it really is... a shark tank. With very bitchy sharks.

6.) If you are not popular, you will hang out on the sidelines making cynical remarks, while secretly feeling like crap and wishing you ARE popular. If you ARE popular, you are constantly fake-smiling and pretending you are perfect, while secretly STILL feeling like crap.

Middle school is hell. I can't WAIT to get out of here.

by ihatemiddleschool July 30, 2011

27πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Middle school

Is a horrible place where you won't learn anything useful in life, nothing like leaning how to balance finance or disinfect injury. No you learn how mongoose reproduce.

There are also several groups of people.

Preps: total posers and usually rich sluts who whine about not having the latest cell phone

Jocks: immature assholes who liek to stair at girls boobs and slap each other on the ass

Emos/goths: usually posers as well who only act like they're in emotional pain for attention even through they have food, a roof over their head and a loving family.

Real emos: do them a favor and be their friend. They're really in pain...

The toon platoon:. We're all normal and vary in personality, yet we have points of common ground, we accept lots of people in our groups and will have no problem helping you fix your whiny first world problems, because we're going to have to solve them anyway later when we're running the world and everyone else is a homeless drug using prostitute. we don't go shoving our egos down people's throats and often we are the only ones who do good in class, though we find everything useless. We generally consist of retro gamers, doctor who fans, martial artists, real nerds, true Internet users not facebook whores. Calm and polite. ECT.

Nerds: not the video game kind, the math geeks. They aren't even really smart any more. They just act like it.

They say you have more freedom in middle school. Honestly that's some bullshit. If being able to walk the halls without a teacher breathing down your neck is freedom, then we seriously need to rethink the definition of that word.
Lunch food also sucks thanks to government requirements that are supposed to cut down childhood obesity but really only make us eat more when we get home.

The principles are also weird and don't do shit for us. You can walk in the halls bleeding to death and they'll ask you how your day is going, when you request an ambulance they will tell you to have a nice day. Don't get me started on vice-principles.

Also everyone is going through puberty.

In other words. Good fucking luck you brave bastards.
Middle school.

by A. person May 11, 2013

57πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Middle School

A place your so excited to go to right after you get out of elementary school but within 1 week your wishing the year was over

I couldnt dleep the night before but after the first week of it I wanted it to be over

by Scotty k August 21, 2005

2521πŸ‘ 339πŸ‘Ž

middle school

1. A place where your parents drop you off to be ripped apart by your equals.
2. Where you go from being a sweet, cute, elementry school kid to being a poser goth cutter listening to Avril Lavinge.
3. Where your hopes and dreams are shattered just in time for the next pit of hell: highschool.

Mom, don't make me go back to middle school today. I'll be given wedgies and noogies and have my lunch money stolen!

by CrazyBluePoodle July 29, 2005

4229πŸ‘ 589πŸ‘Ž

middle school

Middle School is hell. The popular crowd overflows and makes you feel like crap. They always talk about how they always go to the mall together and hang out with each other, but you probably have no friends so you feel horrible. The friends you had in elementary school betray you and you are left alone. Guidance councelars will tell you how your sadness will go away and you'll make friends, but EVERYONE including the teachers and kids lie. The girls become evil and the boys become disgusting future rapists.

popular kid: Me and my bf went 2 the movies last night, then i had a sleepover w/ my bffl and then we had a beach party. then i went 2 the mall and bought makeup. how was your weekend?

average kid: i watched tv.

Popular kid: loser (spreads nasty rumor)

average kid: i hate middle school

by ethelmerman April 10, 2011

32πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Middle School

If you thought Hell was the place where you go to burn for eternity if you've been wicked in your life, think again. Unfortunately, it's on earth inside buildings located throughout this country and all the others across Earth. It's called: Middle School.

This is a hellhole stage of your life, and if you are pressured, you will find this to be the harshest. All the social bullshit builds up throughout 2-3 years.

6 grade: Puberty. You're not a kid anymore. You can't watch Spongebob anymore without being laughed at. If you're in a public school, then you're gonna play a stupid game that goes by the name of "popularity contest!" In a prep school, you'll get the same, along with an additional piece of flaming shit: academic competition. It sucks because after the summer, you have not been warned and this comes to you as sudden as thunder- even more! The teachers have become worse (especially the gym teachers, which sucks because if you are in cycle classes, you'll get another one to face the bullcrap of... otherwise you're lucky if you get one of the awesome ones). Oh and by the way, more homework, less freedom. Have a nice year!

7 grade: Yeah, you've had a rough year. But that was just the beginning. You're in... the middle. It's all the same as last year, but it builds up faster than a spreading fire from September til June. Another thing catches the attention of your eye: the girls. CAUTION! As very fucking hot as they may seem, you gotta watch who you're dealing with. And remember, that as sad as some facts are to swallow, girls are surprisingly the worst part of middle school. Some are bitches. Some are nice and sweet. It also sucks shit when you see that they take likings to the bad guys! Those assholes who put others down to feel superior and better about themselves and act so bastardly to produce "good reputations" win the hearts of that hot babe with the nice rack. Do yourself a favor and, get to know them. Then you'll find out who you like. That's another thing btw, you start getting asked about who you like. You've probably gotten these questions last year, but there's more. Another warning is that your friends will start abandoning you for another bastardly attempt to become cool. What bites more is that they can be lifelong friends leaving you to rot in the dungeon. About the work, it's the same as sixth grade.

8 grade: The steamiest part of hell. A rapidly blasting weapon of agony that doesn't finish it's clip until late june. Everything you had in the past two years, plus more... What bright side you can look at is that it's the end, but it's a long journey till then. The pressure begins to focus on what you've always loved to hate: work. Because you're approaching high school, the teachers will begin to lecture you about how you have to pick up the pace and improve your grades because in 365 days from now, your grades will be written on stone for the colleges to see. "How wonderful!" you'll say. "I'm burning like a cat in heat and you have to scare me and make me even more afraid of life." Something happens. You get a Christmas present on the mail. It's tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. Your classmates will start doing them (another retarded attempt of them to be cool). If you've got friends and they start with these, you're not the luckiest individual in the world. If you've got a crush, that's a bad turn. All you can do is hope nothing bad happens to her. Here's the best part: Remember those assholes that used to put you down. Assholes usually turn to drugs, so you can look on the good side of expecting them to finally pay! If you do DAT (Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco), this will come back to bite you in the ass crack. What a wild ride!

End: When you finally get out of middle school on the last day of 8th grade, recite the lyrics to "The E.N.D." by The Pharcyde. They go "This ain't nothin' but the E.N.D. Follow me into the Sun and let your soul be free." And have an awesome summer.

Brace yourself for high school. Be prepared. Anyway the teachers are right you have to pick up the pace in time for college selection. Good luck!

You don't need an example for Middle School. There's enough said above.

by bigfootbeleva13 July 31, 2009

147πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Middle School

In my opinion, the 2 (or 3) worst years of life you will have attending school.
The teachers are there to teach you crap you will most likely never use more than 50% of it in life. They're there to give you 3 hours of homework per night, and give you 2 nights of detention a week for doing something harmless.
The popular kids like the same bands, usually wear the same clothes, and are there to make you feel like absolute shit.
Mostly, your friends will talk behind your back, unless you're lucky to find one good, trust-worthy friend who won't dump you.
The girls are sluts, the boys are perverts, and most of the time you'll feel alone and blue. Relationships usually don't last more than a week or two.
Everyone and their dog has a Myspace, which are usually full of pictures of the popular kids and their friends, having a good time, making you feel more and more like shit.
Basically, everything makes you feel like shit.
6th graders always anticipate joining Middle School, but near the middle of 7th grade, you're screaming "GET ME OUT OF THIS PLACE!"
Drama is around every corner.
Middle School sucks.

Tommy: "Did you hear about Sally?"
Jimmy: "No, what happened to her?"
Tommy: "She killed herself."
Jimmy: "Woah! Why?"
Tommy: "Middle School bites, man."

by Lunar Escape June 9, 2007

2071πŸ‘ 287πŸ‘Ž