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Molar Nipples

It's the type of nipples that are long and thick. Very large and thick! Normally you nibble on nipples with your front teeth. However, molar nipples are chewed on by your molars!!!!

If you picture these and chewing on them with your molars you will LOL!!!

You'll know Molar Nipples if you see them!!

by Molar Nipple Man May 28, 2012

1👍 2👎

Molar Flambet

A most painful way to die, consisting of:

- An open mouth
- Two parts Vodka
- A lighter

You know what a molar flambet is, don't you Jack? I've heard they're quite delicious.

by The Mysterious Mr. z October 29, 2009


A nigga who doesnt stop running they mouth, they talk shit 24/7, they are hypocrites, they are ass at everything in life, they will never amount to anything, they are scum of the earth

simply put

molar quit ducking!

Looks like we got a molar

Hes a molar

by Xenko On Timing March 31, 2022


molars are robust and broad teeth located towards the rear of the oral cavity. they maintain a significant role in the overall function and health of the mouth.

your friends should always thoroughly inspect your molars. make sure they're aware of their condition at all times.

"Hey, best friend. Let's see those molars."

by feculents June 14, 2024


molared is a synonym to kissed , but in an aggressive way i think …

kareem never gets molared by his mom.
goodbye see you later ! *molars the person*

by thesadmo June 10, 2022