When you are feeling super cute fucking a female and decide to bite their neck and suck their blood
Last night i dirty mozied that girl
mother of two, club penguin enthusiast, subscriber to readers digest, former member of the ugly Jonas brothers, and very distant relative to senor flavor flav.
Mozy is banned from tinder. Mozy threw up in an uber.
a mozy is what you call someone just being stupid
Guy 1: why is your window broken
Guy 2: it was my brother, he did it last night
Guy 1: was he just being a mozy
Guy 2: ye
Guy 1: ye
When you are watching a movie or trying to understand someone and it makes no sense or the script was so was missing definition defining its understanding..
Pronounced like movie except with a Z
You might as well be talking to the cows mooing with your possible confusion explanation...
Are you watching the Mozie these jackasses trying to pull off?
(n) 1) A Mohist, esp. Andy Lau 2) The general organization of Mohists 3) Mohism as a philosophical system
THE MOZI is always written in capital letters like GOD. THE MOZI will always renounce Mohism in short order after being convinced that its reasoning is fallacious by a random black guy from the west.
-THE MOZI is coming to town!
-Why do you believe in THE MOZI?
-THE MOZI will defend us!
-Capture THE MOZI!
Anal cavity that’s used to store contraband.
When you package come in, stash it in the mozy wozy to get it past the pat down.