Source Code


Male "chit-chat"

A typical "muck" session may include the following: hand gestures, loud laughs, stupid inside jokes, pointless conversation, & rude comments.

(All while a women is trying to get something done, or needs assistance, or is in a rush to be some place.)

"Lindsey, why were you late for my baby shower?"
"I'm sorry, Derek ran into an old friend & they mucked it up for hours!"

I can NEVER shop with my father because he finds someone to "muck" with, in every store!

by Pabst Blue Ribbon May 24, 2010

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


1)Slang term for vagina, a shortened version of 'muck hole'.

2)The substance that oozes from the 'muck hole' when you rub a woman the right way.

3)A slang term to describe women in general.

1)"I was with Ella the other day, man she's got the tightest muck ever!!"

2)"I was rubbing up her pussy and got muck all over my hand!!"

3)"I was down at the mall the other day dude and there was plenty of good looking muck walking around!!"

by McFucko May 27, 2004

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Defines " the rich soil that is located in the western part of West Palm Beach County". This soil is used for agricultural growth and production of vegetation in this region.

The soil is a very dark (Black) and fertile for growing vegetation, and thats why the welcome sign entering the town states " her soil is her fortune".

Belle Glade, South Bay, Pahokee, Clewiston, and The Muck.

by The Tru Blue June 22, 2011

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Male masturbation. (Masturbate + Fuck). Semen produced by mucking is called muck milk.

I’m finna muck.

by Creepeon_Films May 5, 2019

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Similar to that of mung. Muck however, is the putrid projectile coming out of a deceased mans member (penis) after a violent stomp to his lower abdomen.

The name formally originated when two teenage girls attempted to β€œMung” a deceased woman. However the name on the tombstone was androgynous such as the name β€œPat.” To their surprise they were about to β€œMung” a man. While one of the teenagers stomped on the lower abdomen, the other teen’s mouth was on the ripe decaying penis. She then gargled out the substance and uttered the word β€œMuck.”

Girl 1: "Howd that taste"

Girl 2: while gargleing the substance "MUCK!"

by Whatureppdunn July 9, 2009

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A island on the north west of scotland. sooooooo much better than knoydart! means porpoise in gaelic

im going to muck

by humpty dumty March 9, 2009

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The word M.U.C.K literally means
basically meaning rape of a man

That stalker MUCKed him in the alley.

by Leah January 16, 2005

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