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on the muscle

Free, No Charge.

Hey here is a t shirt. How much? Don't worry its on the muscle.

by Jimmy Doesn't like That January 4, 2018

9πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Muscle Monster

A man who has muscles size proportion and definition greater than that of the average man.

A physique that is fearful and powerful receives a lot of attention.

A unbelievable body that comes in this world every other generation.

By looking at his physique you can tell he is a muscle monster. A person like that probably exercises everyday. I would hate to get in a fight with the likes of him.

I wouldn't want to ask him for directions, because he looks like a muscle monster.

He must be a mesomorph surely he will become a muscle monster.

Thats a big motha fucka, he calls himself the muscle monster and I can see why.

by King86 June 23, 2009

1943πŸ‘ 83πŸ‘Ž

Muscle pig

When a guy is sexy af, tall, and buff af. Especially if said guy is like obsessed with going to the gym and working out.

Damn Jungkook is such a muscle pig.

Damn β€œbig daddy muscle pig Matt”.

by Guccilism October 18, 2017

53πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

fuck muscle

The organ located between a man's thighs used to pleasure another person's body.

Keirsten enjoy's it when Chads sticks his Fuck Muscle in her Pussy, Anus & Mouth!

by SlopNChop August 12, 2016

179πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

diaper muscle

The baby equivalent of the toilet muscle; often used as a substitute for baby's bottom or baby's butt; as in, "as smooth as a baby's butt.

Barbara, your face is as smooth as a baby's diaper muscle! What kind of skin cream do you use?

by Telephony August 3, 2012

26πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Creptorial muscles

Creptorial muscles refers to one’s shoe game or creps and are usually of substantial quality. A play on word of creps and pectorials muscles.

Pree man’s Creptorial muscles.

by Lilaustin January 19, 2019

toliet muscle

A phrase that simply means butt, ass patootie, etc.

The pink starfish is located near the center of your toliet muscle.

by Telephony July 12, 2014