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NPR and Chill

Having someone come over and wearing glasses with no prescription. Looking smart as fuck, then fucking the shit out of each other while Ira Glass' smooth-ass voice helps you keep a rhythm.

Hey girl, put on your favorite wayfarers and get over here, This American Life is on in 10...we gonna NPR and chill.

by badmammajammafrombama October 9, 2015

20👍 1👎

Eclair NPR

Éclair was a movie camera manufacturing company established in Épinay-sur-Seine, France by Charles Jourjon in 1907 (later SOREMEC-CEHESS, Department “ECLAIR INTERNATIONAL” in Paris).

Originally a production company, they started building cameras in 1912. Their products played a major part in the French New Wave through the development of camera systems such as Cameflex (35mm and unique 16/35mm dual format camera), Éclair NPR éclair ACL, éclair EX16 (similar to ACL with fixed viewfinder and 24/25fps fixed motor) and ECLAIR PANORAM (first dual format 16+Super16 camera called Varigate system). NPR stands for Noiseless Portable Reflex and ACL comes from the letters of the names of its designers Agusti (Austin) Coma and Jacques Lecoeur

The coaxial design of the camera magazine in NPR (the very first), ACL, EX16 and PANORAM models revolutionized 16 mm filmmaking, in particular documentary films, which could now change magazines in seconds without the need to spend time lacing the film in the camera. ACL model uses focal plane shutter for exposure and oscillating mirror for reflex viewing at all.

The company was acquired in the early 1970s by British film producer Harry Saltzman and the company name was ECLAIR-DEBRIE (UK) LTD located in London, so English ACL (similar to French one with minor differences) is born, but the company was eventually sold to Aaton S.A. in the 1980s while they were just marketing PANORAM, who dissolved the assets. There is also a French film lab called Éclair International.

"Hey what camera you gonna get?" John

"An Arriflex 16S!" Dave

"Hell no that thing is loud as fuck!" John

"Yeah?" Dave

"Get an Eclair NPR if your shooting sound sync hell you can't argue 28Db over the Arri's 38db!" John

by Arriflex September 10, 2007

11👍 2👎


A parent or parents who use every aspect of their life, especially the way they raise their children, to make a progressive statement. Their children, as a result, get exposed to hours of public radio, an organic diet, a montessori education, and new age therapy techniques.

Did you hear that Stan and Marie just adopted a baby from Guatemala? I saw them at whole foods last week, they're such NPR-ents.

by nizzi May 12, 2009

11👍 2👎


A class of US citizen that receives all their news from the National Public Radio, or NPR, and no other sources. See: shit-lib, NPC, or SWPL (white educated liberal bohemian).

This personality is the counterpart of an American who is addicted to Fox News. Both demographics fail to cultivate objective opinions due to a biased media diet. This is to no fault of both groups; it's the result of the USA's piss-poor journalistic standards, ethics and values.

Josie is such a NPR-American, all her political knowledge is from sound bites on her morning commute to work. She has no reason to be so smug.

by Sickomonster September 12, 2021

1799👍 2348👎

NPR Masturbation

Masturbating passively while doing something boring.

"Do you listen to This American Life?" - John
"It's a pretty good candidate for NPR masturbation." - Charlene

by ImaHonky April 20, 2009

10👍 11👎


Usually used to characterize a city or region in terms of its propensity for conservative, traditional, and Christian values, versus its tendency toward progressive, New Age, and secular thinking. Can also be applied to an individual person.

For example, San Francisco has about a 10-90 NRA-NPR ratio, whereas some of the more rural Southeastern states would be the reverse. A diverse hybrid city like New York is probably 50-50.

Dude, the NRA-NPR ratio is like 90-10.

by Geoff Lilley May 29, 2011

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NPR Rush Whiplash

The sense of absolute confusion that one feels when flipping the radio dial from National Public Radio directly to the Rush Limbaugh or any other right wing radio show. This has been known to cause liberals to feverishly vote for Barbra Streisand for every elected office on their ballots. In their delirium and panic in this condition, conservatives tend to vote for Sarah Palin's youngest child Trig. The ailment is easily treated by a steady diet of smooth jazz.

"I don't know what to do. I want to be fair about immigration but I am really concerned about illegal Lithuanians getting access to our health care system."

"You've been listening to NPR and Rush again, haven't you?"

"Yeah I think I have NPR Rush Whiplash."

by Cirdellin January 7, 2010

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