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National hate ginger day

Here is your day to hate any ginger who hurt you go ahead and text them 🖕 you and they can't say anything

Hey it is national hate ginger day text him

by Random thoughts 009 January 2, 2022

National “Ok hate” Day

National “ok hate” day refers to the omission of the word “ok” from the english on December 16th. The word will be illegal to mention for the whole day. Penalties range from 100 dollar fines to death.

“I got convicted for breaking the guidelines of National “Ok hate” day.

by Horble_Donk December 15, 2021

National Hate Eli Day

May 16, a day where all Eli’s around the world should be hated, especially those named Eli Hodgson

“Hey it’s national Hate Eli Day, we should go make fun of Eli

by Abe Lincoln 3rd May 16, 2022

National Anteater Hate Day

The day where we burn, torment, and patronize the hell spawns called anteaters

Hey dude its National Anteater Hate Day! Lets go burn some fuckers!”

by Ratacey March 12, 2021

National Hate Mytree Day

A day of hatred towards trees; for they keep dying for no reason.

Joe: Ugh I hate MyTree! Im going to celebrate National Hate Mytree day!!!
Bob: Shut the fuck up.

by giratinasnuggets March 21, 2022

National hate mexican day

National hate mexican day!
March 1

Ella ; Hi beaner!


Ella : It's national hate mexican day

Journey : Ohh okay

by jjjuuujjuuuu March 1, 2024

National Hate Kimsey Day

A day to celebrate hating Kimsey.

Happy October 30th! Or should I say, happy National Hate Kimsey day!

by Googooboy October 30, 2022