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To be navigationally owned. When the driver of a car brings great shame upon himself and his family by taking a wrong turn or getting lost on a journey.

Jeremy: I say Hubert you have taken the wrong turning back to the manor old chum.

Hubert: Balderdash!

Jeremy: You got navved. You fucking noob!

by Clanad September 13, 2007

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


This name is for all the cool Sikh kids, typically Navraj or Navdeep. The nickname β€œNav” spurs a β€œWOWWW!” from the typical white chick, who loves Nav the rapper and uses the song lyrics of β€œMyself” for her every Instagram picture.

β€œYo check out Nav my boy is fresh”

β€œThat’s the brown boy Nav, the chick magnet”

by Virk Saab February 14, 2018

47πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


short for navigation; both are slang for cool; can be paired with "well" or "dead" for emphasis.

"that haircut is totally nav."
"that's a well nav top you got there."
"you're a dead nav girl."

by keensta November 13, 2006

60πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž


any monosyllabic word, phrase or name, which can be replaced in any context, is a nav ( or navs )

if the word contains mre than one syllable, replace any of the syllables with nav.

have you got a new nav??

where are your navs, are they under the nav

what you doing nav?

you navver!

nav off!


are you going to the navbrary?
nice navtop!

by Clifford Thomas December 3, 2007

25πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Short for Navigationly owned. When someone gets lost or takes the wrong route whilst driving. Navigational ownage can result in deep shame for the navved individual.

John: WTF man why did you take a left, the owl sanctuary is up there on the right.

Simon: Sorry I thought it was up here next to gnome world...

John: Shut the fuck up man you got navved.

by George 07 September 10, 2007


the boss of all p-twats (parker watkins)

"that guy is navs, he runs the p-twat into the ground"

by ATP fo life May 9, 2008

11πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


short for navy. Originated due to the military's use of using parts of many small words to create one large word (i.e. navsurf - naval surface).

I did 4 years with the nav once I got out of HS. It's wasn't too bad besides the bad haircuts that I got on the boat and the horrible nav chow.

by ricky roma October 22, 2003

21πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž