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she is a selfless person who is very outgoing. she doesn’t care what other people think of her and she is a great friend. she has her bitchy moments but she will fix it. she doesn’t care about being the most popular, she sticks with her close friends and makes new friends easily. she is the bestest best friend

i want to be a nicole

by lauren lang December 14, 2017

4449πŸ‘ 771πŸ‘Ž


Something that is beyond the word "beautiful", incomparable to the rest ; exceeding perfection and redefining all limits and expectations.

Nicole is so nicol, I can't even describe the positive impact she has on the world.

by 6/20/21 March 28, 2022

20πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Nicole where can I start, she is just the kind and sweetest person in the world she never likes to hurt peoples feelings and is one of the friends that will stay by your side, she is different to other friends but in a good way she has her own unique personality and is very very good-looking:

Person- oh my is that Nicole, she is so prettyyyy

Nicole- well Thank you!! I think the same for u

by Leon Theo the G August 8, 2019

153πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


picking your nore or the act of your fingers or someone elses fingers in your nose while being completly calm.

look at that chick she is nicoleing

i cant believe my mom, she came to pick me up and she was nicoleing

by sexy, beast, oaks January 29, 2011

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Nicole is the mix of smart, athletic, funny, beautiful...just plain out perfect. She is a great girlfriend and a wonderful friend. She knows how to stick up for herself and those she cares about. She is also very caring and loving for her friends and family. Shes always there for you when your down and can always put a smile on your face with her jokes. Hey you...yes you if you have Nicole in your life treat her well and consider yourself the luckiest person alive because she is the best in the world. Also you can’t ignore those beautiful blue eyes. Anyways Nicole your the best!

Dude 1- Bro you know Nicole from science class?
Dude 2-Yeah she’s the best...I would of failed my test if she didn’t help me study.
Dude 1- Ikr shes so kind
Both- Nicole for president

*Im Nicole and I approve this message*

by AFriendOfNicole June 2, 2019

132πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


A straight up bitch

Nicole can be a straight up bitch when she is hungry.

by 00000100001 September 8, 2015

2234πŸ‘ 592πŸ‘Ž


A Nicole is someone who is omnipotent. A Nicole is gorgeous, intelligent, mysterious, witty, hilarious, out-going, creative and seductive, yet she is also tough, street-smart, experienced, brave, enduring, and mainly a wonderful mother. Nothing and nobody can compare to a Nicole in any aspect. Mess with a Nicole, or her family, and you will regret ever being born.

"Why vote for either Presidential candidate, when there is a Nicole out there much more suitable for the position?"

by Nicoleisgreat May 24, 2008

16362πŸ‘ 5077πŸ‘Ž