Niggafied, adjective.
Explanation: A person who, as a result of being significantly influenced by African American culture, adopts the characteristics and behaviors associated with it. This typically involves an individual of a different skin color intentionally trying to assimilate into the African American community by emulating its cultural practices, including mannerisms, speech patterns, dietary preferences, and more.
Gus and Mark are always sagging thier pants, listening to rap music, using black slang, eating chicken and drinking Hennessy, both of them are so niggafied!
When someone, generally (females) becomes a different person when talking to multiple ( males) and think that they need a man to live, or their everyday life is involving talking to or doing males
"bruhh yesss she talk to everybody that ho is niggafied."
To scare on a whole new dimension
I niggafied that bitch so hard!
The less PC verb for giving someone blackface.
Guy #1: Have you seen that guy in the makeup?
Guy #2: I think he is Niggafying himself
when a black man gets his blackness removed
Michael Jackson committed a De-Niggafy on himself
Verb: niggafy; 3rd person present: niggafies; past tense: niggafied; past participle: niggafied; past tense: niggafied; past participle: niggafied; gerund or present participle: niggafying
1. The act of recasting a movie with a black actor who was originally white.
Adjective: niggafied
1. A black actor who is the recast of a previously white role in a movie.
Noun: Niggafication
1. The Hollywood phenomenon wherein a movie is recasted using a black actor in place of a previously white role.
Niggafy -
Verb: "I can't believe they niggafied Ariel in The Little Mermaid remake!"
Adjective: "Halle Bailey plays the niggafied role of Ariel in The Little Mermaid remake"
Noun: "Niggafication has been getting really out of hand. First, Little Orphan Annie. Now, Ariel too!"
When you add ghetto words to a sentence in order to make yourself sound more urban.
“I don’t wanna talk to you.”
“Don’t you mean, ‘I don’t wanna talk to you, nigga,’? That’s called Niggafying your sentence.”