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Nimbus 3000 syndrome

(nim-bus- three-thousand- syn-drome, noun. also known as N3S or Gandalf's staff syndrome.) Thinking you are better than someone else and suffering from having a stick the size of a nimbus 3000 up your gluteus maximus. Be warned it spreads quickly, and if you don't think you have it, you do, just for thinking that you don't.

I think I'm so much better than everyone; I have Nimbus 3000 syndrome.

by GandalfsStaff February 29, 2012

9๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

nimbus crimbus

The stuff in crevices such as lint in your belly button, spiderwebs in the corner, and eye crusties.

You have some nimbus crimbus in your eyes.

by gfordster September 25, 2021

4๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž

gel nimbus

Most cushioned pair of asics you can get.

the gel nimbus is the most comfortable shoes you will own.

by eazy-x February 14, 2008

1๐Ÿ‘ 146๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who is addicted to GD and grinds games all day.

Jack: William is such a nimbus!

by williamwhale69 September 24, 2023


A word u can use to insult someone

Ur a nimbus

Ur annoying nimbus

by MesaMesa November 17, 2020


Nimbus: An insult, that may just roll off your tongue. A nimbus can mean a few different things including:
A) Nim(Small or non-existent) Bus(brain)
Which is the most common of the insults definition. Similar to the insult Nin-com-put.

Jerry: "Gosh I hate you!"
Tim: "Talk to the hand you Nimbus!"
Jerry: -Sulks in his stupidity and silence, unable to say anything back-

by Tae4LoafisWatchingU August 4, 2022


Man likes Star Wars and that

I am Nimbus and oops

by March 16, 2021