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November 1st

Get ready because on November 1st for guys anything is aloud. Wanna smack your girls ass, it's aloud.

Babe it's November 1st or national no law Day, so get ready for me to do whatever I want to you.

by Beckleham October 31, 2019

24👍 19👎

November 1st

No it is not Christmas,

DO NOT post happy xmas on your Snapchat story's, Christmas will be on in another month so chill

Person 1. scrolling through Snapchat stories on November 1st.

Still Person 1. looking at people put up Xmas movies and songs saying happy Xmas.

Person 2. shaking my head, no its not Christmas it's in like a month Karen!

by Annomynous88 November 2, 2019

November 1st

National “Hold someones hands holiday

hey amy it’s november 1st or
national hold someone hands holiday

by psdjsnekskk October 31, 2021

November 1st

Today is national shadow demon day!! Today you have to support shadow demons and give them an offering. ♠️

Person 1: Dude you have to give an offering to a shadow demon it’s November 1st!!
Person 2: Oh really-?!
Azoroth (Random Shadow Demon name): 😈

by InfiniteEdgy October 30, 2023

November 1st

National give your bae/crush a hug day

Person1: hey can I have a hug?
Person2: no why?
Person1: it’s November 1st

by Fsgsjxksnbzhzjsjs November 1, 2021

November 1st

International Eat Ass Day

1- I know you want to eat ass
2 - Oh ya, isn’t today November 1st
1 - Ya and I have a nice ass

by asstastegoodiasuume October 29, 2022

November 1st

The day everyone is upset because they have to start no nut November

Son: Mom its the start of no nut November
Mom: whats that
Son: I cant masturbate stating "November 1st"

by The Fact Machine November 1, 2019