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Turkiye is number 1

Turkiye is number 1

Turkiye is number 1

by YusuffffffπŸ₯Ά September 13, 2022

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

number 1 asshole

One of your very good friends that will say what he is thinking at any moment in time. Often, his name is Bobby.

You can’t be a number 1 asshole. The slot is already taken by Bobby.

by Trex1980 June 25, 2018

number 1 studda

someone who studders and still thinks they are a star

Bob says " yo dawg that car is ssssssssssssweet" Tom says " your da number 1 studda wh wh wh wh what"

by F4tBoYsL1m August 12, 2010

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

You're Number 1!

(n)& (v): A dichotomy of both a compliment and unspoken insult. The compliment portion is obvious. Who wouldn't want to be "numero uno"?

However, the insult portion comes in the form of body language when the phrase, "You're Number 1!", is accompanied with raising the dreaded middle finger at the receiver of said compliment.

Results vary as the receiving person could either become angry or amused. But one thing is certain...they will definitely be confused.

Dave: "That was a great game of basketball, wasn't it? You did your best, but I came out the winner tonight! Better luck next time."

Keith: "Yeah man, what can I say? You're Number 1!" (raises middle finger)

Dave: "Hey, thanks...huh? What the hell!?"

by P. Dubya June 7, 2007

10πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

bus number 1

Refers to a certain bus in which there is a group of elite people in it who are funny, smart and good looking. These people are known for their humour and the amount of fun there bus seems to have. The passengers of this bus always seem to be making up songs, playing games and just having the best time together. Bus number is not only elite but also very exclusive. The coolest members of this bus so happen to be maanya and raghav.

oh wow you seem like a person worthy enough to be part of bus number 1!

by sjaqufhwqirjgh October 28, 2020

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

number 1's

Your most top clothes. The clothes you would wear to a ball, fancy dinner, job interview, etc..

Kent: Scatman, see your wearing your number 1's eh,

Scatman: Yeah, been trying to get a job as a hydraulics engineer

Kent: Sounds serious, you wanna get high?

Scatman: Yeah

by Kbud November 6, 2007

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Number 1 Rated Salesman1997


EV3RY BUDDY 'S FAVORITE Number 1 Rated Salesman1997

by UrbanDicter1 February 21, 2022