Source Code


A sexual act where one lays on their back and is marinated in feces by their partner.

"Did you get laid last night?"

"No, just an obj."

"You mean a bj?"

"Haha. I wish."

by Riddlington September 9, 2020

2👍 2👎


Short for Objective-C

Dev: Okay, what language is this in?
StackOverflow: It's in Obj-C.

by AltShiftK February 12, 2021



i wanna fuck obj

by Hoes obj February 8, 2021


Stands for objective - commonly found in objective-based games such as first person shooters.
Usually used for players that focus on securing the objective rather than going for kills.

"You're 10-26 and threw the game for us"
"Yeah, but I captured the flag twice. OBJ, bro."

by ST4L5ER December 3, 2021


on baby jesus sandals

objs hes so fine

by angiehatesvibrqtors July 10, 2022

Dirty OBJ

The act of liking to get shit on preferably you're chest.

Wanna come Dirty OBJ we.

Sure, I just ate corn

by TheRealCainan November 27, 2020