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Mac OS X

A popular theme for Windows.

I used to have Mac OS X as the theme of WindowsΒ XP. Now that I’m using Windows 7 and it’s not needed anymore.

by PartTimeBigCat May 25, 2012

19πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Mac OS X

An overpriced Operating system that is based off FreeBSD. Mac users are uncomfortable with the fact of taking care of computers and so they continually bash windows for the usual crashes, virues and the likes, even though, to most compitent PC users, these are hard to come by unless you use a buggy program or look at excessive amounts of porn.

Saying Mac OS X is safe because its unix based very retarded. Why? Solaris 10 is secure and Unix based. Plus IT'S FREE, so if you wanted a secure OS, Solaris already has a 1-up on OS X.

Regaurding the retarded poster about shitty x86 machines, stfu. x86 is the 32-bit instruction set that is put on ALL modern processors, along with the 64-bit set.

The only reason for ever using Mac OS is well, there isn't one unless your a professional graphic art designer. Both Windows and linux have very good software for audio, photo and video editing and they have games. Plus, they are compatible with almost all PC hardware with Linux being also avalable for the nintendo ds that uses the ARM 9 & 7 processors.

Son now that Linux and Windows are able to suit most PC users, why would anyone use a Mac? They have nothing special about them. Nothing. Not one dam thing. I bet no one can list five reasons of why I should use Mac OS X instead of Windows XP (don't say it doesn't get viruses or spyware/adware or it don't crash, cause neither does my XP rig).

My Mac OS X rig is very secure.

So is Linux, plus its free.


by qblasphemy September 7, 2008

151πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž

Mac OS X

Mac OS X is the idiot's Linux.

Mac OS X is only a UNIX system with a flashy interface.

by Cjstone September 11, 2006

293πŸ‘ 226πŸ‘Ž

Mac OS X

An overpriced BSD clone with a fancy gui, that happens to be one of the most controversial topics in the world of computers.

Typical discussion about mac os x is as follows:
PC user: "OMG macs are overpriced and their gui is backwards!"
Mac user: "OMG windows is teh suck, because its made by MS and not Apple!"
Normal person: "Why the fuck would you not get linux?"

by STFU BIATCH July 17, 2008

196πŸ‘ 155πŸ‘Ž

Mac OS X

An operating system that, while elegant, easy to use, and powerful, is worshipped by idiots who probably who once owned PC's and don't care at all about online safety. People who switched to Macs and say that PC's freeze "all the time" probably have a shitload of viruses, spyware, adware, and other crap infecting their PC's.

Mac worshippers who think that Mac OS X is "safer" than Windows need to get their shit straight - people who create spyware and viruses naturally want to infect as many people as possible... and what computer do most people use? PC's!!! They don't want to waste their time making viruses for computers that not many people use - they focus on the majority! Therefore, Macs themselves are not safer, it's the people creating the spyware saving your computers' lives. You Mac users should consider yourselves lucky rather than superior.

Ignorant Mac User: Hey, Mac OS X is way better and safer than Windows XP!

PC user: That's because the people who write spyware didn't even consider making any for your operating system, dumbass.

by no7orious October 26, 2005

241πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž

Mac OS X

Over-priced piece of crap. Complete ripoff of the once 2nd greatest thing in the history of computers, NeXTSTEP. Packaged by liars and idiots. Viruses can be written for Mac OS X like there's no tomorow. Macros anyone? Don't be a moron and fall for DRM and software/hardware lockdown.

Idiots who use it think it "Just Works" even though the interface is ass-backwards and promotes bad habits. (CMD-delete? That stupid "Dock"?)

1. Dude, I just installed OS X! My wallet is now 2,500$ lighter, but I have all these sweeeet iSoftware applications! I still need to go pick up Mac Office for 200$, though. That was soooo much easier than burning a copy of Ubuntu for free and getting all the software I'll ever need! And viruses? Oh there's nooo viruses!!!!!11!1

2. Some people say Mac OS X is great and popular. But why is it only at 2% market share world wide? Linux and the BSDs are more popular.

by Willy Waller February 3, 2007

228πŸ‘ 201πŸ‘Ž

Mac OS X

The most versatile, elegant, and powerful offering currently on the market. Mac OS X possesses a solid UNIX core for server work and tweaking, and yet also has a beautifully thought out and designed interface called Aqua. The current version as of this posting is 10.3, and 10.4 will be coming out soon. 10.4 will feature metadata searching and Coreimage GPU-based real-time image processing

"Wow, Mac OS X r0x0rs"

by placebo February 1, 2005

795πŸ‘ 781πŸ‘Ž