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Thoroughly stupid, illiterate, and ignorant people who:

* Tie blue rags around their ass holes
* Make stupid signs with their hands
* Haven't the slightest amount of courage
* Aren't bold enough to knock over a liquor store without six of their buddies standing around
* Are too stupid to know how to hold a handgun
* Are too ignorant to get a job
* End up in prison, or maybe dead in the gutter

Shauntay and Esmore are crips. They hold their guns on their sides to show everyone how stupid they are

by The Wog Whomper May 3, 2005

9776๐Ÿ‘ 6272๐Ÿ‘Ž


A street gang originating in the Los Angeles area. "Crip" is actually shorthand for "Cripple." Many Crip members are crippled in the head and lack rudimentary knowledge such as speech and have a limited level of learning intelligence. It often takes 10 crips to complete the task of 1 non-crip. In an effort to seperate themselves from the rest of the world, they carry blue rags which they do often tie around their assholes.

Crip: " Yo yo yo, gimmie yo wallet biznatch!! I be in da Crips andju betta recognize!"

Non-Crip: "Um....no. Mebbe if you had ten of your "homies" I might be intimidated...but piss off before I kick your balls in AND send you to jail.

Crip: "Dam, that jonks is fuuud uuup!"

by MistaDobalina May 2, 2006

226๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Word Crip can mean anything from Fucking awesome to absolute dog shit. Use it as you wish.

"Holy fuck Susan, your cloths are Crip."
"Fuck me sideways, these players are Crip man"
"Woahhhh, Crip dude"
"oh fuck sake, that was not Crip"

by YeeOldOne February 21, 2021


The largest and most dangerous gang in the America. Their colors are blue and originated from Los Angeles. They are arch enemies of the Bloods. They sell drugs, extort businesses, and kill slobs (insult term for bloods). It was founded by Raymond C. Washington and Tookie Williams.

"man i got jumped by the crips."

by Crazy Mo May 29, 2003

3653๐Ÿ‘ 2522๐Ÿ‘Ž


Men who killed and stole for money to restore the ghetto, Community Restoration in Progress. Were the first killers in 1967, then in 1969 BLOOD's came out as a defense group, hence the OD (Of Defense) in BLOOD. Now a bunch of little kids who want to go around fighting people for wearing the color red and not navy blue who also claim their parents to be a member, as well as their whole family, to make it seem like shits real.

"Yo let's go get dem boyz dey be in red, i hate dat colur."

"Ain't you a bitch?"

"I dont giveafuck nigga, he be in red and my bf a crip he shoot em dead on my word."

by Carol City Boy March 24, 2005

1178๐Ÿ‘ 810๐Ÿ‘Ž


noun; a person of diminished physical capacity

she's a crip, she walks with a limp because her right leg's shorter

by Jake February 18, 2004

1163๐Ÿ‘ 807๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the more well-known criminal gangs operating in the U.S. I'm not a gang member but after seeing the large number of posts on here either calling gang members stupid, retarded, racist type stuff etc. I felt I should put in my two cents. I know a few Crips and none of them are dumb, uneducated, or slow witted. The internet is a great place for people to hide behind a computer screen and say shit they'd never dare to someone's face. It's pretty hilarious reading the posts obviously authored by the typical "borderline retarded" low class white supremacist types, who ironically are usually more ignorant and intellectually challenged than whatever race they choose to blame their problems on that day. Before all you backwoods rednecks try to lynch me, you should know that I'm a white guy. I don't condone gangs committing criminal acts but at the same time I don't have any sympathy for racists either, who in my opinion are some of the least intelligent, simple-minded, and misguided types of people. If more white supremacists were smart enough to successfully graduate high school they'd probably be able to understand that the color of a person's skin and their cultural heritage have exactly nothing to do with their intelligence or abilities. But hey, I know that it's a lot easier for people to deny responsibility for their own problems and blame everything on someone else. And it's even easier to blame it all on a group of people who look different from you.

"Cuz I'm a Crip nigga, everything to the left, blue rag in my pocket nigga bang to the death..."

by JizzleFizzle October 17, 2013

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž