Source Code


Passive Aggressive Bitch Slap
When you have a situation/conversation with another....In which afterwards you the other person reassures you all is well.....
Then 7-10 days later you receive a scathing email about how the situation/conversation has unsettled them... They then retreat and refuse to
talk about the situation.
Equivalent to the emotional sucker punch.....

After having a conversation, that I was reassured went fine, I was PABSed 7 days later.

by Riggins1 December 3, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Usually explaining someone's Ab's when their name starts with a 'P'.

Jason: Damn Dude, Pebo's Got Some Ab's!

Brandon: Nawww Man! Those Are His PABS!

by jasonmzmza August 21, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


An acronym for "Pussy Ass Bitch" as well as, but less commonly used for "Punk Ass Bitch".

Deduced by Cameron and Craig.

Man, that Craig is such a PAB.

by GrandeCanadian January 14, 2012

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pussy. Ass. Bitch.

Cole you are being such a PAB, just jump already.

by cole bobby will jeff December 6, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


An acronym for "People Are Basically Stupid," which offers quick explanation for other's inane actions. Especially useful for real-time identification of reasoning behind obviously stupid activity when the target is within earshot. Also applicable, however, for expedient past-tense discussion of such activities.

PABS was cynically derived from the philosophical theory, "People are Basically Good." PABS can therefore also be employed in philosophical discussions providing explanation for emergent sociological behaviors which are seemingly irrational, such as group think. Whether the behavior is a result of simple non-thinking, or attributable to thinking people's lack of timely information, PABS's umbrella is arguably applicable.

Bewildered person: I really don't understand how that person is so confused by this vending machine.
Comforting response: PABS.

K: It sure seems like our government is highly ineffectual given our present tax burden, wouldn't you agree?
M: Indeed! PABS.

by Andy McAllister October 29, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pussy Ass Bitch - someone who dabbles in hypocredical thinking, narciscism, over compensation (big dick energy); being a pussy ass bitch

PAB: Someone gets the bartenders number as a patron. They start dating the bartender. They then get upest about bar guests drunkenly talking flirty to said bartender, while putting blame on said bartender. Being a pussy ass bitch.

by ..iol319 December 15, 2022


A term originated from Richmond, British Columbia meaning "Dab Pen". The name was invented as a code word for Dab Pens to avoid being too explicit while talking about it near teachers or parents.

Yo, can I get a hit of the pab?

by lfhtaint July 16, 2018