A girl whose ass is bigger than her brain
Dodil: Omg did you see the new girl?
Dodil 2: Yeah, shes such a Chim Pui Idiot :(
That catch phrase that grabs people’s attention instantly and can effortleslly work as an on-going communication platform.
Ce Pui 'N' Gura cand rasare soarele?
Partying Under Influence - like driving under influence (DUI)
So basically partying under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Me: Oh, hey! How was the party?
You: Oh... it was kinda boring since everyone was PUI. Just throwing up everywhere.
Me: Didn't you come to the party last night?
You: Yeah.
Me: How was it?
You: Weren't you there too?
Me: Yeah but I was totally PUI! Can't remember a thing!
Preaching under the influence.
He likes to get holy when messed up on that stuff, but intoxicated religion is PUI.
"You have the same power as Pui" - Zangdu
"Im am Pui" - William