Abbreviation: Person(s) (or people) with disabilities.
Person One: What's a PWD?
Person Two: A person with a disability.
Person One: Why can't you just type it out?
Person Two: One, I'm on Twitter and have only 280 characters. Two, I type with the pointer finger on each hand.
Person One: You really don't type with your right pointer finger—you just use it for hitting the shift key and enter key, and the insert and delete keys once in a while.
Person Two: No shit!
Person One: Oh. (Embarrassed silence)
Posted/posting While Drunk. Posts that happen when one is under the influence. Can be used as a tag in a post as a disclaimer.
‘Ignore this, #PWD.’ , ‘Hey, Marshall your ex-girlfriend went Insta PWD last night.’ , ‘Sorry, not sorry, PWD.’. ‘I hate you. PWD.’