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When a group of males masturbate and attempt to ejaculate on each other while avoiding the semen of other players. Can be played as a team sport or free-for-all.

Person 1: I was about to splatter you when Johnny vaulted the couch and shot his load right in my face!

Person 2: Johnny is a beast at paintball

Johnny: I fucking love paintball!

by Johnnysharpshooter March 18, 2011

9๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sport played between teams with the objective of eliminating the opposing players via paint filled capsules, propelled from a marker (read gun) powered by some sort of compressed air. A fun recreational activity known for adrenaline rush, can be categorized into woodsball--large arenas generally located outdoors, with vegetation and wooden objects to use as cover, and speedball--smaller arenas, using inflatable plastic "bunkers" for cover. Played by members of all race and class --despite what you may hear. While the occasional want-to-be-GI and annoying adolescent are not unknown, the vast majority of the paintball community recognizes it as pure recreational thrill. The only injuries sustained in paintball are due to carelessness(removal of protective equipment/tripping over your own feet). A majority of players are teen-young adult and white. Just like most every other sport.

Wanna play some paintball Sunday?

Shure, I'll meet you at the feild.

by Jp77 May 19, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sport played by hiding behind giant balloons and shooting guns that fire a decorative substance known as paint.

Most paintballers are stuck up pricks who think that any other combat-simulating sport is for pussies.

by phatestpossibleasdf September 9, 2008

20๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


A game where players run around holding "guns" that look a lot more like garden hose attachments. These "guns" are known for being extremely inaccurate, as opposed to those in airsoft. Players deem themselves "manly" or "cool" by grinning and guffawing at the collection of bruises and other injuries they sustain from the "sport." Most participants play because they enjoy having fluid splashed and squirted all over them. It is mostly played by rich, brainless adolescents who find that the "tactics" they learn have little to no application outside the sport. The most extreme players usually wear matching jumpsuits and what appear to be either Motocross or Master Cheif helmets. Both of which are often referred to as being gay.

It is a requirement for all organized paintballing that all players (or "ballers" as they call themselves, which also has a gay connotation) be of the white breed of human. Participants are routinely checked during a game to make sure they are of white descent. In an attempt to "cover their asses," most "ballers" insist that it can be played by people of all races. Indeed, this is completely untrue.

Paintball players include lacrosse players and most of those snowboarders you see who are really bad.

by Jack Learson October 12, 2006

58๐Ÿ‘ 150๐Ÿ‘Ž


A game that is completely pwned by airsoft

Steve: You go paintballing this weekend?

Rick: Hell no. Can't get a decent head shot worth shit with paintball. I went airsofting

by DaikonrannoSamurai November 14, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


airsoft owns paintball in every aspect of the game, accuracy
power(my gun)

paintball sucks for the people who wan tto play tag with paint how reatrded is that....

airsoft is the best sport ever invented, owns all paintball, ive owned paintballers with my airsoft guns.

by brian kim March 3, 2006

78๐Ÿ‘ 232๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sport where most of the players profess its superiority to airsoft, just as many airsoft players do to paintball, when in actuality they are two different games appealing to different people for different reasons and can't really be compared to each other.

Guy 1: Paintball is the best, airsoft sucks so much in comparison!

Guy 2: No paintball sucks, it's so unrealistic and super expensive compared to airsoft!

Guy 3: SHUT UP! Two different games for different people, just play whichever one you like best and leave it at that!

by The Very Merry Crusader January 11, 2015

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž