fundementlist christian and owner of large corporate empire noted for far right policies and extreme religious veiws
jesus would'nt spit on pat robertson if he was on fire
pat robertson is either a hypocrite and a liar or a lunitic and a monster the difficult part is deciding which
379👍 82👎
The televangelist who, on national telvision, will peel-off his human mask and reveal to the world that he is the Antichrist!
"How do I know Pat Robertson is the Antichrist?
Jerry Falwell told me so!"
102👍 23👎
A man with one thumb in the bible and the other up the ass.
Religion has certainly gotten out of hand.
964👍 299👎
There's Pat spouting off about how great Christianity is, and how other religions are just garbage.
753👍 231👎
A radical cleric. Like those crazy militant iranian preachers, only uses christianity instead of islam.
pat robertson said we should murder the president of venezuela.
1181👍 469👎