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Forgein girl will fight anyone periodt don’t play with her know how to dress fat ass small waist

Patricia is a badbitch

by Omerovic September 25, 2018

26πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Perfect. She loves sport and mtb she always loves a good laugh and her laugh is contagious, her smile blows all the boys away. She has beautiful long brown hair and brown eyes she is very loyal and trustworthy and will never let you down if you need her. She is also very good at art generally drawing portraits and eyes. She has an amazing body but doesn’t realise it and all the boys drool over her some may be older.

Person 1: Ur so pretty
Patricia: No I’m not stop it

by Pinkgurl1243 March 30, 2019

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A tall , Gorgeous, Spanish lady, extremely smart , very pleasing to look at , enjoys her Spanish music , has a thing for Luis , a freak but only to that one special person, Patricia is the best thing that can happen to you , but she needs to know that people love her very often , she talks a lot but when she's quiet she over thinks , she's a faithful young lady , but knows how to get down in the bed

She's is such a Patricia

by Ur.wce April 12, 2015

55πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


A woman with a voice that will lure you into being in love with her and will bawl her eyes out over the slightest inconvenience. She's adorable tho!

Happy Birthday, Patricia! Enjoy your day!

by your bb March 29, 2021

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Girl with beautiful green eyes. Loves to talk about series and books. Patricias are just passionate about these stuff. Brown curly hair, beautiful smile. Ugly hand writing. Always there for people when they need her. Patricias are strong, Independent, but still love hugs and being with someone. Kind of girl that wants a man, But doesn't need him. Hopeless romantic with a dirty mind. Most beautiful girl you've ever seen and you feel so comfortable in her presence. Obsessed with art like writing, music, acting.

There's no girl that can love you the way a Patricia will

by loverofartists December 29, 2016

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A girl who is damn sexy, stunning, gorgeous, and lovable all at the same time, lulling men into a state of deep attraction with just one flirtatious look.

Frank: Boy is she Patricia girl i've ever seen

by Stew Acing February 4, 2010

861πŸ‘ 497πŸ‘Ž


Super sweet, really nice person who always gets what she wants. People with this name tend to have amazing boyfriends and are really easy to love.Sexy.Epic.Fun to talk with.AMAZING kisser.Good taste in music.Dresses nice.

Patricia is awesome?

by Yee foshizzle June 8, 2011

151πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž