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four headed penis

what a spiny anteater has. I DARE YOU TO LOOK AT IT. See you in the mental hospital pal.

My brother went insane from looking at a four headed penis.

by JustARandomScout September 9, 2017

squeegee headed penis leech

1. A woman who sucks the life out of a man through nefarious means
2. A term of endearment among certain Alaskan males
3. a rare sexually transmitted disease carried by albino Peruvian midget cliff divers.

1. "After she got me drunk she turned into a squeegee headed penis leech. It felt good but I feel like I need to vacuum and dust now and why am I wearing Dockers"
2. "My snowmachine got stuck and the squeegee headed penis leech laughed at me as he rode by."
3. "Sylvia has a great body for a woman three feet tall, and her accent and pale skin make her exotic, but that squeegee headed penis leech she gave me made steak tartar of my dick!"

by Nofe Poe May 30, 2005

14👍 9👎

Penis face Erection head

A stupid person. Sometimes used for the laughs. Or a nickname for a dumb person who doesn't have a brain.

What about it, Penis face Erection head?

by Your mum is gay lol October 14, 2022

2👍 1👎