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when you drop trow and spread your ass cheeks out as far as they can go, then rip total ass. best done when you apply your ass to their face.

johnnie passed out so me and mike gave him a horrible pervis.

by danny gaylor April 15, 2006

13πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


a creature who only baths in c-plus and only consumes similar orange products. He insists on being the most aggressive lover one's ever had the misfortune of spending 8 seconds with. It's name is derived from pervert and travis. It's been mistaken for an orangutan and is often reported as a zoo escapee. It will do all your drugs, drink all your beer and wait until you are asleep and touch you where you pee.

Owe, my pee-hole burns and I think my drugs & beer have been consumed. Why is there orange hair and residue in my bath tub? I think Pervis showed up while we were asleep.

by jebus cripes December 3, 2009

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Nervous Pervis

Someone that’s nervous or scared about something.

Dude, Emma is such a Nervous Pervis before her basketball games.

by BigMac8282 April 7, 2019

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Pervy Sage

What Naruto calls Jiraiya-sensei during his moments of sexual perversion and doing his research for his new book Come Come Pardise.

See Come Come Paradise

Naruto: Hey pervy sage! Stop looking at the girls, get over here, and help me with my training!

by Andreasantoni May 24, 2008

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Pervy Draft

The gust of wind that (due to air pressure and wind outside your open window) blows your door open whilst you are in the middle of undressing, leading you to think that someone is undesirably entering while you change.

*Door creaks open*
"Don't come in, I'm naked! Gah I said stop it you... oh... you Pervy Draft"

by BrIeGd August 14, 2011

Pervy Lurker

can be used in almost any instance. A pervy lurker is someone who is either pervy, lurkerish, creepy, weird, or any other adjective causing you to laugh at the fact that they creep people out.

"Check out that pervy lurker...ew!"

by Prebbler October 3, 2006

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Pervy Wanker

The phrase is a play off "pervert" and "to wank." Literally, means someone who masturbates with perverted qualities. It is often used in a playful sense to label someone who is not shy about hiding his sexual appetite.

Can also be used negatively to label someone as a chronic masturbater or someone with immoral sexual desires; however, it is more often used in a playful sense.

Look at that old dude flirting with all of those young girls, what a pervy wanker.

by Skeeloiii March 5, 2011

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