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Pester Tagger

Class A attention whore who tags everyone and their dog when uploading a photo/video/anything in the world ever.

Did you see the music video that dude shared on twitter? He pester tagged about 20 people about 6 times asking them to share it. What a desperate ass loser.

She posted a selfie and tagged the whole school. She's a pester tagger.

by Indiigo May 10, 2017

Born-Again Pester

A Born-Again Christian is a person that through some sort of difficult time found Christianity. These Christian's tend to be far more fanatical in their beliefs. There is 2 categories for Born-Again's. 1. (Passive) These Christian's tend to be grounded in their beliefs. They tend to keep their own beliefs to themselves and except the faults of others. 2. (Pesters) These Christian's tend to have more conservative, and often times more ignorant views. They try and force their beliefs on everyone around them, regardless of those persons own beliefs. Pesters often times view the world through a very narrow mindset. Which includes the viewing of homosexual's as Sinned-Creations, meaning (Born with Sin) and feel that homosexuality is a choice not a biological fate. That anyone that doesn't choose Christianity as a religion, is wrong and therefore destin to face Hell upon their death. That Evolution is a myth, not a proven fact. That the Earth was created some 2000 years ago, instead of 4.5 Billion years ago. That Dinosaurs never existed. Pesters beliefs are based solely on the Bible. If the Bible does not explain it, then it is wrong. This has led to many groups like the KKK, who used the Bible to deem African Americans as less then whites. To the Witch-Hunts of the early 20th century. All the way up to today where Pesters use the Bible to justify acts of violence against abortion clinics and homosexuals. The most notable example of this kind of ignorance is the Crusades. A Christian war that waged for hundreds of years in the early, to late 1000's. Pesters and Passive Christian's do not hold the same type of interchangeable ideals; as passive Christian's do not hold the same fanatical views as Pesters, and therefore are not driven by the same kind of ignorance.

A Born-Again Pester came up to me at the store today and tried to convert me. When I told him I wasn't interested, he told me that if I continued to live my life as a Non-Christian, that my soul would be doomed to Hell. He then said he would pray for me. When I asked him how he would feel if I told him I was going to pray to Satan in his name, regardless if he wanted me to or not, he got mad. So I told him by him calling my beliefs wrong, and by telling me he would pray for me no matter what I said, that it was the same as me forcing my religion onto him. Beliefs or not, it's not his right to use my name in such a way. Then he just quietly walked away from me.

by the2ndflood March 11, 2008

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Pesterizingis simple pestering meaning to bother confused with the non pesterize which means the act of talking when you do not want to be heard. Pesterizing is an incorrect use of English and has never been takn as a real word. Pasteurizing can only mean one thing , slumped jaw which is what happens when fake people try to bring you down.

Fuck you donkey, I mean jackass I don't care if I am pesterizing I looked it up it's not Evan a real word. Jackaaaasss

by oMrDj December 8, 2015


1. Acting like a pest.

2.When someone(s) are pokeing at your nerves.

All my ex-boyfriend knows how to do is pesterize me.

by DIablosPrIncess November 20, 2021


A religious or spiritual fake guru

Here's a top 10 red flags if you hear the Pester preaching (if s/he has minimum one of these red flags, it means s/he's a pester):
1. They teach you "Prosperity Theology", "Hypergrace", or any similar theology
2. They're so bigoted and racist as fuck: They think other religion/spirituality beliefs, lukewarm believer, non-believer, LGBTIQ++++, or anything against their religious value are evil and must go to hell. AND THEY HAVE A BALL TO PREACH THEIR BIGOTRY AND RACISM PUBLICLY, EITHER IN FRONT OF THEIR FOLLOWER/CONGREGATION OR THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA.
3. Because of Point #2, they're responsible to create moral panic and racism everywhere
4. They're hypocrite
5. They're trying to shut down any critical thinking
6. They're cult leader, not a religious preacher or spiritual teacher (but they claim if they're religious preacher or spiritual teacher)
7. They're cherrypicking the Scripture (or any religious/spiritual books) and interpret it whatever they wish instead of telling the truth
8. They've a hedonistic living (just like secular fake gurus)
9. They're charlatan smart-ass (just like secular fake gurus)
10. They don't give a single shit about you, they just want your money and your attachment

by Sir. B January 19, 2021


A satirical misspelling of Pastor. Pester means religious or spiritual fake guru

Here's a top 10 red flags if you hear the Pester preaching (if s/he has minimum one of these red flags, it means s/he's a pester):
1. They teach you "Prosperity Theology", "Hypergrace", or any similar theology
2. They're so bigoted and racist as fuck: They think other religion/spirituality beliefs, lukewarm believer, non-believer, romance and sex, LGBTIQ++++, or anything against their religious or spiritual value are evil and must go to hell. AND THEY HAVE A BALL TO PREACH THEIR BIGOTRY AND RACISM PUBLICLY, EITHER IN FRONT OF THEIR FOLLOWER/CONGREGATION OR THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA.
3. Because of Point #2, they're responsible to create moral panic and racism everywhere
4. They're hypocrite
5. They're trying to shut down any critical thinking
6. They're cult leader, not a religious preacher or spiritual teacher (but they claim if they're religious preacher or spiritual teacher)
7. They're cherrypicking the Scripture (or any religious/spiritual books) and interpret it whatever they wish instead of telling the truth
8. They've a hedonistic living (just like secular fake gurus)
9. They're charlatan smart-ass (just like secular fake gurus)
10. They don't give a single shit about you, they just want your money and your attachment

by Sir. B January 25, 2021