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Pete Wentz

Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third. The extreamly attractive and talented 28 year old bassist for the band Fall Out Boy. Pete, also known as PeterPanda, PeterPistol, PeterParker, and PeterPan, released pictures of his manly area to public on March 7th. This lead to many loss of Fall Out Boy fans, after the stunt was tagged as a publicity stunt. Pete has a widely known clothing-company called Clandestine Industries, and owns his own Record Company DecayDance. DecayDance is responsible for many bands such as Panic! At the Disco, Paramore, The Academy Is..., Cobra Starship, and the newer former MySpace band The Cab. He also owns an English Bulldog named Hemmingway, which is now becoming the newer mascot for Clandestine.

Viki- Did you see Pete Wentz on TV the other day?
Carli- Yes, I Did, I can't believe he's dating Ashlee Simpson.
Viki- I know! I just bought a new Clandestine jacket the other day.
Carli- Really? Which one?
Viki- The one with Hemmingway, Petes dog.
Carli- I saved his 'pictures' to my computer the other day.
Viki- Yes. Very interesting. I love Fall Out Boy ^_^

by Mrowr July 26, 2007

63๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pete Wentz

1) Bassist for the pop (you are NOT punk, get over it) band Fall Out Boy, who nevertheless recieves more attention, fans (mostly little girls), camera time (in their axe-commercial music videos), and tabloid space then all other members of the band. Has his own clothing line, record label, and Ashley Simpson. Feels an unexplainable need to post pictures of his dick on the internet.
2) The root of all evil. The reason for bands with a lot of talent and potential like Panic! at the Disco reaching Top 40 radio to early (they should work for their fame, not be mass-produced in their first album.) The reason for millions of 13-year-old girls across the globe thinking they're punk because they have a picture of him in their locker. Most likely the reason Ashley Simpson is pregnant (supposedly). Pete Wentz can also be blamed for global warming, inflation, and the Minnesota bridge collapse.

1) Little Girl: OMG, Pete Wentz is sooo sexy. I like have a t-shirt by him, and a Fall Out Boy CD, and like a nude pic of him in my 6th grade locker! I'm like sooo punk and rebellious!

2) News Anchor: Today, a bridge in Minnesota collapsed, sending many cars into the river. The reason for the collapse is unknown. Also, children in Nigeria are dying. And the rate of homelessness is up. And the hole in the ozone layer is getting bigger.
Me: It's all Pete Wentz's fault.

by rachael with an a August 7, 2007

170๐Ÿ‘ 191๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pete Wentz

An emo jackoff who plays boring ass bass lines with his shitty band, Fall Out Boy. He's shown his dick to the internet, and his only fans are teenyboppers (they don't like him for this music btw.) "Thumbs down" this quote all you want, you know it's the damn truth. Pete Wentz sucks (in more than one way I'd guess.)

Teenybopper: OMG lyk im lissenin to some Fall out boy and pete wentz iz lyk so HAWT!!111!!!111!
Normal person: Hell no, Fall out boy and pete wentz are big buckets of fail.

by jojomanlol August 18, 2008

111๐Ÿ‘ 123๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pete Wentz

Pete Wentz other known as Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III is the hottest man Alive and is extreemly talented and can play the shit out of a bass! he is the Bassist and tha lyricist for the Awsome band Fall Out Boy and his Lyrics Have Changed My life. He has gone through hell and he is great for surviving that. He is my role model and he should be yours too,, Lots of things have been spreading around about him but most of them arnt true so to find out the real truth head to falloutboyrock.com and ask him a question cus it really is him. some of my favourite lyrics are from the song "Our Lawyers Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued". He is very successful and has a clothing line:Clandestein Industries and a Recording company:Decaydance and has worked with panic at the disco and gym class heroes! And all you haters out there are just retarded because is funny and sweet and he is a really great role model!

Some Person: Whos Pete Wentz?
You: He is the lyricist and the bassist of the Awsome Fall Out Boy!

by Lacey B!! May 24, 2007

71๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pete Wentz

Pete Wentz is the bassist of pop-punk band, Fall Out Boy.
He has a dog called Hemingway (who is much mroe attractive than his owner).
He is an overrated, hypocritical, conceited, lying asshole.
He says that he is Straight Edge but really is a man whore who has various STIs caught from many male AND female sexual partners.
He enjoys jumping into a crowd from heights who do not even appreciate him enough to catch that stupid bogan.
Pete likes to think he's smart and writes in cryptic writing a lot so people don't really see how he really feels.
That is -- lonely.
The conseqeunce of his own stupidity and 'dickheadedness'.
Pete Wentz only gives a crap for fans who are physically attractive and believes he too is gifted with physical beauty and continues hogging the spotlight.
He is false modest.
Pete Wentz usually appears to be a naive, confused 14 year old girl in a 27 year old man's body.'
He is a shit friend and a stingy loser.

Pete Wentz is a bogan.

Team Gutierrez.

by ClydeClydeClyde March 18, 2007

125๐Ÿ‘ 161๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pete Wentz

Fucking, super, sexy man in the band Fall Out Boy.

Hey I went to a Fall Out Boy concert last night and seen Pete Wentz.

by damin February 5, 2008

36๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pete Wentz

Pete wentz ( full name Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III )is the awsumist bassit from the awsumist Fall Out Boyin 2005 pete attempted suicide ( though he does not like to call it that)he was in hospital for a short time and took some time to recover before returning back to Fall Out Boyin 2006 he took photos of his p33n and it took many people of fall out boy. Pete also is the owner of Clandestine industries
and he is one of the hottest duddes eva!

pete wentz lyrics:i sat outside my front window...this stories going somewhere
he's well hung and i am hanging up

by Brooke M November 30, 2006

82๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž