Using many phrases that you would likely find on Urban Dictionary (such as crushing the book, Ridin' Qwerty, Emotional Dump, etc.) around people that don't know them so the person feels phrased out.
Son:"Hey dad are you crushing the book?"
Dad:"What the hell are you talking about?"
Son:"Dad, BMS much?"
Son:"Phrased out"
A word phrase is not a word nor a phrase its a word phrase the word nig nog nigger nob is a word phrase
Ayo my nigga is nig nog nigger nob a word or a phrase
Nah my nigga it's neither its a word phrase
Phrases that are so goddamn stupid that they are funny. They make you feel sorry for the person that thought of them.
How many australians does it take to make stupid phrases? 3. One to do the job, one to hold the light bulb and one to cellotape everything to the ceiling.
A word group consisting of a present or past particle and any modifiers, objects, and complements. A particle phrase commonly functions as an adjective.
"Particle" refers to any complementary thoughts, feelings, or actions toward any species in the Alligator family.
Sarah: "Alligator's, known to act as homing pigeons, are lovely!"
Alejandro: "Wow, good use of a particle phrase!"
APLC Teacher: "I said PARTICIPLE."
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A person who steals a phrase that you say and uses it repetitivley.
Sam: So I says to Kieth "Listen man I got mad ladies lining around the block."
later on in the day....
Jen: I got mad ladies lining up around the block.
Sam: You are such a phrase whore!
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An overworked figure of speech, such as, inter alia, "at the end of the day," or "it is what is," or "thinking outside the box," or "leverage our resources." Crutchphrases are a common refuge of speakers who have difficulty articulating ideas or concepts without reflexively using jargon and clichΓ©. Often relied upon by powerpoint-user speakers who simply repeat what is already printed on the Powerpoint slide.
The use of a crutchphrase is often an open admission of an unwillingness or inability to think, let alone use language effectively.
"At the end of the day," the speaker droned, "we have to think out of the box if we are to successfully leverage our resources." Note the split infinitive.
"But," protested a listener, "you're not making any sense at all, you're just babbling a bunch of crutch phrases!"
"It is what it is," replied the speaker, retreating to the safe territory of a crutch phrase.
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"Cem" is a short phrase that can be used universally around the world. The context it of the phrase also depends on the way it is said...different pitch, tone and length can mean different things, despite the same word being spoken.
The phrase was coined by a group of students at the University of Bedfordshire, known as Jaguar Paw.
Due to their high grasping of the "Cem" language then have developed the ability to hold an entire conversation using just this word.
Phrase: "Cem"
- To greet somebody
- To break silence
- Describing something (Tone sets good or bad)
- Are you ready?
Used for persuasion:
Quote: "Hey...just cem"
Used in a moment of Joy:
Quote: "Ceeeeeemmm"
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