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When you blow up the boyos notifications and like all their tweets

He started pilaring my tweets and went back to January.

by @fuckRoads January 4, 2022


(Fr. Spanish: pillar, support) A woman who displays unswerving--and deserving--loyalty, support and affection within a romantic relationship.

Although a few people considered Pablo somewhat quixotic, his ladyfriend Linda was sharp enough to believe in him with all her heart. She was a real pilar and reaped the riches.

by Paul Kusinitz January 25, 2003

235๐Ÿ‘ 106๐Ÿ‘Ž


A good-for-nothing, snoopy, suspicious, over-protective, whinging, whining, do-good of a mother. Likes to cook casseroles and cheesecakes. Won't allow Froot Loops in the home.

Ya mum's such a frikken pilare. wish she'd lighten up a bit.

by Smythe November 1, 2003

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


pilar is a bitch but she is funny ig

your such a pilar

by hb bdj jd dbv September 10, 2021

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž



Refers to the process of beautifying a document or a presentation seemingly unrecoverable.
Is one of the few miracles actually verifiable day after day.

My presentation for Monday's meeting needs a pilarization. Once it is pilarized I will send it to the participants.

by lucpol February 15, 2023


pilar is a bitch but kinda funny ig

your such a pilar

by hb bdj jd dbv September 10, 2021

david pilar

David Pilar is the type of person that no one wants to be around. He has an amazingly ugly... personality... and face. He normally has very little brain capacity and has trouble communicating with others, and often gets rejected. This type of homosexual is a rare sight and must reported to the government immediately. If you are seen housing any of these you will receive the death sentence.

The David Pilar was discovered trying to jump off a very tall building.

by exposed49 April 28, 2017