A group of disaffected priests from the Society of Saint Pius the Tenth (SSPX) that left and formed their own organization when the SSPX began dialogue with the Holy See concerning reconcilliation. The SSPV advocate Sedevacantism, which means they believe that the Papal Office is vacant, and the current Pope is an antipope. Most members will contest the Papal reigns of Blessed John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul, Blessed John Paul II, and Benedict XVI, although some do accept the legitimacy of Blessed John XXIII's reign. The SSPV do not hold the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) as valid and binding on Catholics because they believe that it's decrees contradict the traditional Catholic faith and are "heresy." The SSPV rejects the Ordinary form liturgy of Paul VI, and celebrates all the Sacraments (Especially the Eucharist) according to the Traditional Latin Missal. The SSPV, like many other Sedevacantist groups claim that they are the true Catholic Church, and the Modern Church is Heretical, sometimes citing the apocalyptic warning given by Our Lady of Salette.
In short a marginalized group, excommunicate from the Catholic Church proper, who make up a small minority of the world's traditionalists.
Bill said he believes in sedevacantism and has started attending that "Society of Saint Pius the Fifth (SSPV)" chapel on Market Street.
13π 9π
In automotive, "PIU" is an acronym for a Ford Police Interceptor Utility.
Hey, have you seen the new police departments PIU's?
She is the best girl in the world...her smile can make anyone soooo happy..she is sensitive some times but always she is so good ..some times she is stubborn πlol but she is so nice....she is everything of Kevin @iamkevinbest β€ she loves pets a lot specialy cats and she is the squirrel baby ..her happiness is his everything....Always be happy piuππππΏπΏπΏπ
This person is usually so stupid. And like eating alot.
I found a boy peeing by the roadside. Guess what It was a Pius π.
the most adorable fucking chicken out there. It originates from a series called Moland and it's really, and I MEAN REALLY CUTE. It's designed in a way where you can't hate him. He's just too darn cute. have some gifs of him
The mandaments of a portuguese university's professor
1st Mandament: Piu;
2nd Piu: Piu;
Piu piu: Piu;
When using Piu in a conversation:
- You automatically "win" the situation:
1) Reflects the argument, if the conversation is to continue
2) Ends the argument with no possible comeback
3) Or it can be used as a short version of "that's what you get"
Obs: Piu is known as bird's noise
When using the 3 Piu Mandaments, there's no requirements, you just need to say "Piu" that's the whole foundation
1) Person 1: You're a dick!
Person 2: Piu
(Now Person 1 is the dick)
2) Same as 1) but Person 1 isn't the dick because Person 2 just doesn't care
3) Person 1: Ah s*** I didn't deliver the project on time
Person 2: Ohhh, piu.