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how Ponyboys dad died

how Ponyboys dad died.

At the beginning of the book we find the main roblox characters. "Minecraft Steve", "Ponyboy", "Sodapop", "Robert Quef", and "Ponyboy's dad". at the beginning of the book robert quef is caught drinking Soda he thinks nothing of it until he realizes that he just drank Sodapop. He pees it back out into the can just to find out it changed to cream soda. Ponyboy hits the can out of Robert Quef's hand and steps on the can. Sodapop wakes up and his body is all deformed. Ponyboys dad then goes to drink soda and chokes on the can. the end Ponyboys dad is dead now All because Robert Quef drank sodapop.

how Ponyboys dad died.

by Bye sisters May 27, 2019

Stay gold, Ponyboy...Stay gold...

Used in the GREAT novel The Outsiders, by S.E.Hinton. Meaning, continue being innocent, and pure. Often used as a way to say, "Good-Bye."

Keith:Bye, see you later.
Johnny: Remember to Stay gold, Ponyboy...Stay gold... , kaykay?

by julefuncool October 18, 2006

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Anyone who owns and drives Ford Mustangs

Paul: guess who bought another mustang
Nick: let me guess, Steve?
Paul: yeah, he's real ponyboy for sure.

by CajunBlackUSA June 18, 2021


A man that has a magnum sized penis

Damn you bet he was good looking, and better yet he was a ponyboy.

by Jussomewiidwoulddofine June 8, 2023

Dirty ponyboy

The process of a man (named ponyboy probably) putting his thick juicy dick into a mans sarcophagus.

Ponyboy: yeah I hung I with Bob and gave him a dirty ponyboy

Johnny: I want to kill myself even more now

by I.fucked.ur.mom October 10, 2021

Ponyboy Curtis

The most wonderful amazing stunning thing known to man and i love him heโ€™s my baby he's mine!!! I love him so much and he is the most lovable thing ever in existence he is too perfect. He is just the epitome of awesomeness.

My life is Meaningless without Ponyboy Curtis

by Slayful Human May 30, 2023