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The concept that the whole is greater than the the sum of its parts. As opposed to modernism which tenders that the whole is EQUAL to the sum of its parts

Postmodernism massively increases the size of the whole, occupies the interstitial space between part and whole, and deconstructs the parts; leaving the whole intact but massively nebulous.

The "whole" can also be called the context.

While formally opposing objectivity, Postmodernism actually assumes it, because it leaves the whole (the context) intact although greatly enlarged; while deconstructing only the constituent parts ie it ASSUMES a whole.

by sandraxine June 19, 2017

68๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


A reaction to the work of Modern philosophers, most of whom created vast systems of meaning founded upon one central concept. In many religions, the central and beginning premise is some supreme being or concept. The postmodernist critique removes that central concept, it "decenters" the system of meaning. Postmodernism points out that all systems of meaning are in constant negotiation and flux, therefore claims of transcendant morality are suspect.

Furthermore, postmodernism critiques all claims of "objective" truth by revealing that human subjectivity always exists in every truth proposition. Due to the pervasive effects of subjectivity, postmodernist critiques are critical of all sweeping claims concerning social policy, truth, justice, morality, and ethics.

Finally, postmodernism is a school of thought which examines the traditional "either/or" dichotomies in modern philosophy, and reveals that these supposedly neutral dichotomies actually favor one side over the other. (Good/Evil, Above/Below, Male/Female)

Example one:
Modern Philosopher: "The word "justice" means ______"

Postmodernist: " The term 'justice' means many different things, depending on the subjective positions of the members of the discussion. Outside any discussion of 'justice', there is no meaning which we can find. 'Justice' 'exists' so long as we negotiate its meaning as between ourselves in our society."

Example Two:
Ignoramus: "Postmodernism means _______"
"Postmodernist" : " The label 'postmodern' applies in many different contexts, and it cannot be abstracted into only one meaning or definition, for that defies the very essence of 'postmodern', which of course is a non-essence. "

by entris February 17, 2005

441๐Ÿ‘ 275๐Ÿ‘Ž


simply put, anything connected with yuppie hipster culture.

may it be architecture you see in gentrified areas (such as the god-ugly condo towers) or the pretentious wank that get's praised on Sundance, Pitchfork, whatsoever...

"the fabolous buttplug and the unbearable waking of armin meiwes" is a paradigmatic examination of transgressive existentialism of the postmodern deconstruction of precannibalist postanalfisting.

by joejoejoe May 22, 2013

38๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


any art that is aware of the fact that is in, in fact, art.

or more cynically, any art that is aware of the fact that it is, in fact, product.

MTV's Real World is a very postmodern television program

by mitsui September 14, 2008

36๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


A philosophy which plays games with knowledge, postmodernism positions itself as the striving of ironic and nihilistic thought towards the meltdown of "enlightened" modern opinion, which pans out to be merely Christianity in disguise. Indeed, while Christianity marks the coming of Christ as a world-shaking event of cosmic proportions, postmodernism merely points to the numerous weaknesses in the Enlightenment's armor and calmly states, along with Hegel, "God is dead. May God help us all." Pontius Pilate was Nietzsche's ancestor, and Nietzsche was the grandfather of postmodernism. In fact, the central question of postmodernism is the same question spoken by Pontius Pilate to Jesus: "What is truth?" (John 18:38).

"Terry Gilliam's film adaptation of The Adventures of Baron Munchausen is too absurdly decadent to not be the epitome of postmodernism!"

by Soul King Pusher January 5, 2017

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whatever you want it to mean. A generation X that thinks outside of the box or has abandoned many if not all of the norms/precepts of a postwar generation

He said "no i'm not going to the wedding, photoshop me in later" well that's a bit too postmodern!

by planit July 27, 2005

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Postmodern is a term that therefore refers to violations of whatever laws or theories or traditions or established thoughts even before they were created. Postmodern is whatever you want the truths to be. They will always be true to you anyways. So what? Who cares! This is deviance.

Postmodern mind-buggler: You are a stranger. Are you a part of the society of not?

by mhattsh August 30, 2007

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