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Predictive Text

A little more about it but it is not the same thing that you have done for us in this situation but we have been trying for you and your family and friends are not the same as you can imagine that you are well and you are well and your hugs are very good and I hope you're doing good with your life in life right in the middle and I have to be up to you and Brad for the 4th time this year ago you said you were going on I'm going on a day trip and then I would love you to come and see me when you come back and see you tonight or tomorrow and I'll be ok though and I'll let me see if you can make sure I get it to you later

My predictive text is actually insane

by The_Malight_samorrow October 16, 2021

Predictable AIDS

When someone will predictably get AIDS.

"I probably have predictable AIDS, I have sex all the time without a condom."

by MargaretWooHoo April 9, 2012

Predictably Unpredictable

This is designed as a contradiction. To be Predictably Unpredictable means that the person being described is a riddle, an enigma.

I've met two people who fit this definition.

Max: "Hey do you know who that weird dude is over there? I don't get him at all. He is one strange mofo.."
Sue: "Yeah that's John Henry, he's definitely Predictably Unpredictable.. you never know what he'll do next.."
John Henry: "Checkmate"

by Echo Nova June 8, 2021

Predictive Synonym

A word that is discovered by cycling through words in predictive text.

book = cool
ripped = pissed

by grasshopa July 28, 2004

7👍 3👎


A pathogenic virus that infects a person right around the time of a major event.

"Sorry boss, looks like I can't come into work today, I got a case of the predict-a-flu on the day of the big game."

by sage02 May 10, 2009

3👍 1👎

psuckic prediction

A prediction derived from the application of murphy's law, the monumental stupidity of people, and your ability to combine the too....

A friend blew all of her student loan money on a new laptop 360, clothes and books...

I'm gonna go out on a limb and make a "psuckic prediction prediction" stating that "before the semester's out she's gonna wine and bitch about not having any money... and how her best friend just made her buy all that crap....."

by johnbr216 September 1, 2009

4👍 2👎

Predictability Augmentation

The process of making improvements in a place—such as a business or educational institution—to increase the likelihood of making as many things as possible predictable.

The new process or science of making as many things as possible more predictable is called Predictability Augmentation and promises to boost individual as well as group performance, safety, and even profits!

by but for October 22, 2017