Source Code

Rajat coin

Type of crypto currency.

Rajat coin to the moon!

by Ajcanfly May 16, 2021

3👍 2👎

sakshi and rajat

Sakshi and Rajat, one of those really sweet couples who always seem to be minding their own business. They have helluva up downs but together they overcome it (it's a mess). So so well wishes to them, hopefully they stay together forever and ever!!!

Man I wish we could be like those sakshi and rajat couples

by ILoveLying March 1, 2024

Rajat Servicing

Rajat is a thin guy trying to bulk.

When everyone else wanted to go home, Rajat Servicing was damn excited to stay back and work late.

by Real Laser April 5, 2022



Rajat Dadu

by Bhagat ji November 25, 2021



rajat is such a chutiya smh

by kEhNdI hUnDi Si June 2, 2022


RAJAT is another name of Silver. Its a luxury. A luxury that you can wear All the time ❤️

You can wear Rajat like a necklace, rings etc

by MUNDYAL November 23, 2021


Rajat is the name of a guy whom no one really knows. He's basically a ghost.

Girl 1. I could not find this guy anywhere on the internet.
Girl 2. Wow no one knows who he is. We've got ourselves a rajat.

by Perfectnameforapseudonym November 23, 2021