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a hypothetical place where one goes or ought to go to relax when experiencing extreme anxiety or stress

Take it easy, rancho-relaxo bro it's not the end of the world!

by Victor Cuevas July 22, 2006

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Rancho Rats

A sub-species of Homo-sapiens mainly populating the suburbs of Rancho San Diego (other variants are known to populate La Mesa and Spring Valley).

Though not actually rats, they garnered this nickname through the general sleaziness and trashy manner in which they operate.

Their daily routine consists of going on bottle runs, getting into fights, yelling at respectable shop owners 'cause they "didn't do nuffin", buying and selling xanax, drinking cough syrup, and doing anything they can get their hands on. Nearly every member has been "caught up" at some point.

Though many see them as dangerous, they are generally docile creatures who will not become aggressive unless provoked. Do not confuse non-violence with kindness as they will not hesitate to steal, mooch, or Gip you if the slightest opportunity arises.

Separating themselves from Gangbangers, these degenerates have no unifying identity or ideology and are generally a biracial pack of hooligans.

They can be found in their natural habitat at the ralphs shopping center.

Hey Jon can we take the other way home? I'd rather not run into rancho rats scurrying around

by anyone above 12 April 28, 2017

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Rancho campana

San Francisco of schools a safe place for gays

Virgin campana student : I got accepted to rancho
Chad Cam high student :i didn't know you were gay damn Rancho campana kids

by Cam high gang December 24, 2018

rancho feet

when a male or females feet are dirty,crusty,stanky,full of corns and calluses.

Damn, that girl should not where flip flops with those rancho feet.

by MarcoCota October 7, 2010

rancho christian

A school with a bunch of soft people and lesbians. This school is full of shit and everyone cries for everything. The teachers are a bunch of shits that only care about a fucking hat but dont wipe their asses before checking other peoples.

Rancho christian "Have you heard of rancho satan?"

by Raiderfan294 March 5, 2017

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Rancho Intenso

When any situation is taken to the extreme.

John and Mandy got in a fight in the middle of the party, then Mandy kicked him in the nuts, it was so rancho intenso.

by HanselRock March 23, 2013

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Rancho Murieta

Old people community by sacramento,15 miles south of Folsom,where lots of old racist white people live. Literally almost everyone here is racist as fuck and somehow it slides(as everywhere sadly)They have gay security and so if youre black and live there, everyone will call security on you and they don't do anything about it. heck,even the security guards that work there say racism is "freedom of speech" and that anyone can say anything.Bunch of stuck up white kids are racist as well. there was even a sac bee article where local Marica Courson stated"... you black men might be better off at home after a certain hour" suggesting a black people curfew? like wtf. she also said "do we really understand why a shooting occurred" like um wtf. it is true that if youre black and go out at night and u see a group of white men, they will start shit, but thats only cuz theyre RACIST. literally. even at the hotel across the communitys racist. a stupid white pig called a black guy a nigger and a fight broke out. many in rancho responded saying they had no idea it was there (u can google article) and that rancho isnt like that. WELL lemme tell ya, thats all rancho is. they all read the bee at 6am, theyre old white racist people with nothing better to do and wake up early.gmfu. and they teach racism to there stuck up kids. sad truth many dont know because this community is VERY secretive. majority if not all the adults here are racist. and idk why no one else bothered to define but i am.

bro #1: yo bros wanna come over after school to my place?

bro #2: sheeeeit, bro why not come over to rancho murieta and we can go smoke.

bro #1: well i would but your parents are racist and give me dirty looks, also, if we go out security will just get called when we smoke, i wanna smoke in peace, shit even cops let you off but these security guards are racist pigs.

bro #3: yea dude everyone in rancho is racist as fuck im only going over there tomorrow to fuck becky, but honestly fuck rancho. I would rather live somewhere that you can walk as any race and not get looks, also if i walk home from your house when we leave ill probably get confronted by security asking me what im doing/going/who i met/ if im called in/ if your parents know/ etc,etc, maybe even get written up for trespassing dawg, a chance im not tryna take.

bro #1: but i can sneak my parents car out and drive u out of the gates so u can get picked up
bro #2 & #3: fuck off just smoke in eg brooooo fuck rancho

honestly i hope in the near future rancho murieta is interracial as fuck. man. fuck that place. i know way to many racist incidents that occur there DAILY. not a white boy writing this btw. peace

by sophisticated mac n cheese October 2, 2018

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