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rebel flag

The Battle Flag of the Confederate States of America (aka)Confederate Flag ,Stars and Bars, flown in Battle for the South in the Civil War

Has Historic Meaning it Stamds for Rebellion against Over reaching out of Control Central Government acting outside its Lawful Jurisdiction ,and Outside the limits put on it by The Constitution for the united states of America, 2.Rebellion against a acting government that has been infiltrated by Criminal Elites
And or soldout to criminal Banksters,3 Rebellion against Oppression and/Controlling powers/TYRANTS

The Rebel Flag ,symbolizing American Rebellion against Corperate Criminal Infiltration into the Sovereignty of. The American People and The States Thereon.

by Darkhelmet N Defiance July 2, 2015

12๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rebel Flag

The rebel flag is often used to show southern pride, and pride in ones southern heritage. However, it is also used as hate symbol for racism and white supremacy. In this, it is similar to the swastika, Which falsely known as belonging to the Nazis. For all these reasons, it's considered unwise to fly the rebel flag.

"Billy had a shirt with the rebel flag, he is a racist."

by FutShick April 2, 2014

68๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

rebel flag

1. a symbol of rebellion

2. a symbol of heritage for southerners


and by the way Dr. Benjamin or who ever the hell you are its brightest crayon not sharpest you fucktard

1. lets all dance in a circle around the rebel flag and yell anarchy!

2. wow what a redneck hes got a rebel flag in his front yard

by Brantly December 5, 2007

149๐Ÿ‘ 219๐Ÿ‘Ž

rebel flag

Simply pride of the south nothing more (to most people)! Next time you see someone with a reble flag dont steriotype them.

Someone and there ansestory who lived in Ohio there whole life and feel angry twards African Americans using the rebel flag.(Aint right)

by wertyu June 20, 2006

180๐Ÿ‘ 274๐Ÿ‘Ž

rebel flag

A symbol of the fact that, win or lose, we Confederates are still here, and that YOU should get used to it.

Think of this flag as the banner of a government in exile, like that of Tibet, or the Jewish Nation before 1948. It is a symbol of a nation's ineradicable memory of the past and patient hope for the future.

And, although you may chase it from the statehouses and public squares, you will never, ever chase it from the hearts of free-thinking Southerners.

In Southern hearts, my friends, is where the true soil of the Confederacy still lies, waiting to nourish the fruits of a new spring, and it is in that soil that this flag is immovably and eternally planted.

(Not a bad disquisition for a "lower-class redneck loser", eh?)

"The rebel flag truly flies in the heart of that gentleman..."

by M. Tatterscratch August 7, 2007

96๐Ÿ‘ 187๐Ÿ‘Ž

[rebel flag]

ok to all you idiotic yankees out there. the rebel flag is merely a symbol of southern pride and heritage. As a matter of fact Alabama has a higher academic standard than most nothern states. There are more intelligent thinkers that come from the south than anywhere else. Now down to business and to deal with all you racist, predjudice, and retarded opponents of the rebel flag. The rebel flag stands for more than you fucking yankees could ever understand. We all work low class jobs because we enjoy a simple existince. We get joy from things like NASCAR, mud riding, and playing guitar, and if you tried any of it instead of making fun of us for it, you would like it too. Down here we have more fun in our lives than any of you dumbass yankees with a pipe shoved up your asses ever will. I have a rebel flag in my room, 2 bumber stickers on my truck, a licence plate, and my seats are cover with it, and i dare you to get me to take them off. It will never happen.
Because I'm a country boy from the woods and you don't scare me and never will. Oh and to all you fucking retarded yank's out there reading this.. REDNECK DOES NOT OFFEND US, IT IS A COMMPLIMENT. The south will rise again, just as soon as that nigger Obama is president.

rebel flag is all about pride.

by SOUTHERN BAMABOY August 29, 2008

73๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rebel Flag

The unlucky number 13; this refers to the 13 stars that run along the blue "X" in the flag, which are all those southern states. Two of them do not apply, but are unnecessarily included: Maryland and Kentucky. They're not Southern states.

I had to to tear two stars off that redneck's rebel flag, because they were false representations.

by Ryan Jones October 25, 2004

61๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž