Reed the guy that wants to be other people. He likes the girls that many find annoying or way out of his league. He goes to others on advice about girls. He is independent, but not that hot. An average bod but girls find him ugly and don’t really like him. He has Asian best friends that are girls. You think that he might be single or that one virgin for the rest of his life but he really won’t. After meeting a girl that most guys don’t like Reed will simp for that girl to much, yet he knows that he is stupid and extremely ugly. Reed uses words like “I know” and gets to sassy at some times but when he shows you his personality you might end up liking Reed. He is a history nerd and only liked by few people. Many people bully him for a lot of things but Reed doesn’t get depressed about it.
Reed likes this girl her name has four letters and he dumps over her.
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A maga-Ginger. One who gains Ginger abilities in the night. Strongest during a full moon. A Reed can get sun burn from the moon on cloudy nights.
"Wow, that guy is such a Reed. What a douche bag."
"I hate Reeds."
"I can feel my Reed powers kicking in!"
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A combination of every mean word you could think of often used with you in a sentece.
Why you little Reed! You just ate my Reedin pie. I will shove my foot up your Reedin ass.
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Your average reed will be wearing non-prescribed glasses and speak with a vast vocabulary to try to make him self appear smart. Even though he doesn't understand the word or know how to pronounce it, he will say it anyway. They are sometimes acquitted with a beanie that makes them look like a hipster. Does he drink coffee and pretend to be an enthusiast, yes. Does he say dumb jokes and try to be funny, yes. Will he ask you a question just so he can answer it himself, yes. Does he have his parents write his college essays for him, yes. Does he like to guzzle Dosh Jean's cum, yes.
Dosh: Hey what did you get for question 12?
Reed: Actually, I can't say because i'm too smart for you.
Dosh: God what a Reed.
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Someone that behaves in harsh hurtful ways, then expects you to have no reaction;
A Pathological Liar that can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own power & abilities.
Extremely convincing, treats people differently at different times for no apparent reason. Fuckboy Syndrome
Does not take ownership or blame for his mistakes & misdeeds.At times, appears to actually enjoy manipulating & hurting others; exhibits the behavior of a Fucktard Douche.
Is glibe and superficial Fakeass bitch.
Is manipulative, conning, self serving, charming, but covertly hostile with a grandiose sense of self; feels entitled to things
Lacks remorse, shame or guilt - Doesn't see others as people, but as targets or opportunities. Also known as a heartless bitch or a cold fuck.
Incapacity to love or has shallow emotions- Warmth, joy, love and compassion are feigned, rather than experienced. Addicted to fuckery with Puerto Rican sidehoes & raunchy flight attendants.
Loves living on the edge with Molly & secretly loves cock.
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.
Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams, even those of the small children they profess to love. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed. Captain Cunt
Since Reeds are not genuine, neither are their promises.Reeds are slimy leaches.
Reeds have no concern for their impact on others and are irresponsible & unreliable.
A reed has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis.
Reeds are excellent actors. Research suggests that Reeds don’t have the basic emotions such as love, warmth, genuine closeness, or responsibility. Also known as a cheater, a wanker, and Emotionally broken.
Reeds should be avoided at all costs, especially ones with common names like Rob or Bill.
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A sexy beast that doesn't give a shit about notin and gets what he wants in an agressive ass muda fuckin way
“Damn he was killed bye a Reed” not suprised
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A really tall kid that seems real tough but is actually wimpish when he is scared (no offense), known to make high-pitched squeeking noises when threatened
He through the baseball right at my face and when i stood up with an angry look on my face he squeeked and rran away just like Reed Kimzey
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