Source Code

rice cake

A really handsome, asian guy. Code word for when you are around a rice cake without them knowing. Phrase to use when passing "i feel like eating rice cakes."

"Hey, you feel like eating rice cakes? "
"Uh, no I'm not that hungry." (They don't agree he's a rice cake.)

by ricecakelover3 October 16, 2014

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Rice cake

1: Stuff Asians eat.

2: When cum splatters a vagina, making it have a "rice-like" appearance.

Damn, last nice I had a huge load. Made myself a Rice cake.

by WinkyWonk;> February 17, 2017

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rice cake shark

A game played by children in California in which children violently gnash and bite rice cakes. The rice cakes are said to represent surfboards on which an imaginary surfer is balancing for dear life. The children act as sharks trying to eat or destroy the surfboard, and by extension, kill and eat the surfer.

Tammy thought her kids were normal, but that was until they day she found them playing rice cake shark.

by Mister Cancel June 2, 2006

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Pound Rice cakes

1. The act of giving anal to an Asian (Verb)
2. The act of aggressively eating a whole bag of rice cakes (Verb)

1. Yo, dude, when I went to Japan this summer and spent 90% of my time pounding rice cakes.
2. Yo, dude, my mom didn't go grocery shopping so I had to pound rice cakes for dinner.

by tillymynilly September 20, 2016

beating rice cakes

korean slang for having sex

yesterday they were beating rice cakes all night long

by gothicmikuchanxo January 18, 2010

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emo rice cakes

emo rice cakes are cakes made from rice but with a gothic manor. e.g. black rice cakes wearing a vampire cape. or rice cakes wearing black items of clothing and vampire fangs.

Danny is a common name for emo rice cakes

by mr lova lovaaa November 24, 2012

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father rice cake

the oldest know rice cake to walk this planet. father rice cake is best known for causing the world to spin on its axis.

honey its time for bed, please go pray to father rice cake.

by Tablecloth_wanker March 23, 2020