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The most attractive and intelligent being to ever walk this planet. Ricky is loved by everyone and hated by no one due to his charm, charisma and stunningly good looks. He also happens to be a Don.

Is that Ricky? He's such a Don.

by AllOtherNamesAreTaken! May 12, 2013

275๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž


A amazing boyfriend, friend, brother to ever have! He is sweet and athletic, wants to help other people with problems. Has a girlfriend. Ricky get's the ladies attention. A smart guy who gets what he wants likes to be a bad boy and get may get into fights. A bad ass dude who likes playing sports and goes HARD CORE!

Damnnn i wish i was like ricky. WHAT A BEAST! OMG HE SO HOT! DEZZZZZ

by TtrizzzleD April 1, 2012

399๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. To be left for dead by someone claiming to be your friend.
2. To be abandoned by so-called friends in times of need, typically resulting in death.

My entire platoon rickied me as soon as we came under enemy fire, leaving me to defend the entire base myself.

by RainbowKid May 26, 2012

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


a super nice person who is taken for granted and doesnt do anything about it, shes really pretty and smart.

woah look at rickie, shes so gorgeous

by someone who knows the real you February 23, 2009

230๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most perfect boy anybody has ever known. Tall, handsome, athletic, intelligent and a total sweetheart. Has a charismatic and gorgeous smile that can make your day. He's a total nerd, but is popular with everybody just because of how amazing he is.

Everybody wants to be Ricky' s friend.

Girl 1: Hey who's that new kid over there?
Girl 2: Oh that's just Ricky.
Girl 1: He's so cute!
Girl 2: Dibs.

by HannahFancyPants November 25, 2016

48๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


The person you can commonly think of and instantly smile while picturing all the funny one-liners he loves to tell. One of the nicest and most concerning person you'll ever meet. He has an adventurous old school soul in which money or power will never override his ambition to live freely. Typically the man of anyone's dreams, tends to be the best boyfriend that wins over parents, aunts and siblings. Someone you will never ever forget or discontinue to love.

Put in most basic terms, the perfect person.

Girl: "Who is that Wall Mart casheir that looks like Edward, plays every instrament perfectly, great at sport and checkers? The one that helps his family out continuously and saved the cat out of the tree?"

Girl 2: "Oh that's Ricky, you know krb."

by SLAS September 6, 2011

856๐Ÿ‘ 451๐Ÿ‘Ž


the best friend ever. will usually become like a brother to youu, and will have long nicknames such as true friend/brubber rickayyy the awesome-sauce. super adorable and really cares about his best friends. will totally be the best person youu ever meet.

"Omg that boy is soo sweet & adorable!"
"Yeahh, he's so ricky!"

by dudelikemynameiscat September 30, 2011

539๐Ÿ‘ 286๐Ÿ‘Ž