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Ryns are the unit for measuring cringe. The human cannot take more than 100 Ryns.

"You're at 100 Ryns, your Glyphrynphx is going to burst"

by Gedonianjemonisanya March 7, 2018

4👍 1👎


Regarding your Note. Used on diaries, or message boards.

RYN dont post nashty things on my dairy, or you'll get it.

by LRC September 4, 2005

20👍 22👎


Short for the very wonderful, handsome, sexy, smart, and funny actor Ryan Phillippe(mine @_@). Mostly used by me, 1337KiWi.

"RYN is the sexiest! :D"

"Aww, RYN is so cute! Also, he fucked me last night. ^^"

by 1337KiWi September 24, 2003

5👍 46👎


A nickname for Catheryn, Katheryn, Catherine, or Katheryn.
Ryns are generally pretty artsy, and have good taste in clothes and music. However, Ryns have a tendency to cry a lot, over everything, anywhere.

A Ryn's mantra is always "DIY or die".

by mediocrenickname September 16, 2018


Ryn is a sweet charming kinda guy but on the inside he's actually the biggest freak you will ever meet

"Gosh I wish my boyfriend would be a Ryn kinda guy"

by mostlyclearskies May 21, 2024