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Short for "Social Justice Warrior".

1. Used as an insult towards people of left-leaning opinions by right-leaning internet users.

2. A term used by political independents or centrists to describe people in movements appearing to be for equality when in reality support inequality (Ex. Feminazis, Tumblr, Etc.).

3. A term that is leading towards being a synonym for hypocrite.

1. "Y'know, I support gay rights."

"Wow, you're such an SJW."

2. "Men and women are equal but us women shouldn't have to apply for the draft."

"If people are equal, shouldn't they have the same responsibilities? You're being an SJW."

3. "Son, You need to get straight A's."

"But dad, you got a bunch of F's when you were in school."

by Cumrag42 December 6, 2020

802๐Ÿ‘ 226๐Ÿ‘Ž


Everybody I disagree with

Carlgon of Swindon: Everybody I disagree with is an SJW

by hellworld666 October 20, 2020

43๐Ÿ‘ 138๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sjw's aka "social justice warriors" are people who act like it's their job to basically just get upset over the slightest things defend every minority even if the situation isn't actually that bad as well as usually hating on white people for no reason (even though they're probably white with blonde hair but don't need to be) and are usually just seen as annoying and idiotic(this is basically how the internet seems to define them even if there is no actual definition right now it is how most people seem to see sjw's).

Hey this crazy "sjw" just called me racist when I didn't even do or say anything that could even be remotely racist?

Hey this "sjw" saying they're an advocate for (insert stupid concept to pander to people here) started attacking and trying to cancel me what do I do?

by Kinda_derpy_kinda_nooby July 30, 2021

12343๐Ÿ‘ 451๐Ÿ‘Ž


It doesn't mean anything, don't listen to those people mocking you on the internet.

A: You're such an SJW, how can you be so stu-
B, blocks A: yeah shut up

by yodel1700 October 24, 2020

103๐Ÿ‘ 4954๐Ÿ‘Ž


South Jersey Woman.
A woman from South Jersey in New Jersey, United States.

Catherine: I got some wooter at the mawl
Stacy: You're such an SJW

by Mrskitkatsyuck____YEEEEE April 11, 2017

44๐Ÿ‘ 124๐Ÿ‘Ž


S- Skeleton
J- Jazz
W- Wizard

Person 1- Are you a SJW?

Person2- A skeleton jazz wizard? Hell yea

by Skeleton jazz wizard June 28, 2021

144๐Ÿ‘ 462๐Ÿ‘Ž


an acronym for social justice warrior

sjws often make ocs and character designs that are more diverse (such as being transgender, fat, gay, a poc, etc)

there's nothing wrong with them unless they fetishize these things.

SJWs don't deserve the hate they get.

by bitchboygoth November 8, 2020

53๐Ÿ‘ 175๐Ÿ‘Ž