a sacre coeur school girl generally tends to be an ugly nerd, but occasionally you will come across a slutty whore. Sacre coeur students can generally be spotted at central park with several large home to roost chips. They tend to date xavier school boys after meeting them on snapchat, and they extremely enjoy stealing people’s friends via snapchat.
sacre coeur students spend 99% of their life saving on home to roost chips!
What you call a godly strain of some dank ass weed.
Yo man lets chill at my place I got some dank ass sacred skunk rolled up man.
Probably the most underrated Thrash Metal band, ever.
Sacred Reich is the best Thrash Metal band ever!
When a girl dyes her pubes green.
"there is a sacred garden down there
Sacred Sam is a religion founded by high school students in Australia. The "god" of this Religious group is a woman known as 'Miss Sam'.
"Hey bro, have you heard about the religion of Sacred Sam?"
1. A homie that is no longer living.
2. A homie that is deserving of veneration after their death.
3. A homie that is of the highest value.
a) This type of homie(s) is on a level above all other homies and typically holds a special place in your heart.
(Definition #3 is an incorrect used of the term Sacred Homie but may be used by individuals who do not understand the true meaning of the term)
My sacred homie (_insert name_) would have liked this weed.
a holy symbol of Discordianism, consisting of a yinyang-like divided circle containing, on one side, the Golden Apple of Discord, and on the other side the Pentagon representing the Law of Fives.
Stinky Pete was completely surrounded by the zombified yuppies, but he managed to fend them off when he displayed the Sacred Chao.
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