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Sad Nigga Hours

Sad Nigga Hours
Starts around 11:00am-4:00am. When sad niggas (females are included) come together (usually on social media) and vent about their failing relationship or depressing life to prevent killing themselves, or feeling alone.

I was about to kill myself a few minutes ago, but I can't miss tonight's Sad nigga Hours

by @Therant311 August 9, 2017

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Sad Nigga Hours

All hours are sad nigga hours when you have depression

Sad Nigga 1: Why are you crying? It's 3pm
Sad Nigga 2: It's alaways sad nigga hours for me.

by angvlo April 17, 2018

Sad Nigga Hours

That Time of the Night between 2 am and 4:30 am Where You Just Lie in Bed, and Reflect Upon Yourself, then slowly Slide into a depressive state. Typically Happens while Listening to Lofi or any other type of Slow, Chill music.

โ€œDamn, I did a Lot of Bad shit in My life, Iโ€™m a fucking Worthless Piece of Shit...โ€

*Checks Phone*

โ€œYep... 3:30.... Sad Nigga Hoursโ€

by Some Guy Vibing March 16, 2020

Sad Nigga Hours

The time of day between 2:00-4:00am local time where men can express their sadness and reflect on their day. Itโ€™s an outbreak for even the toughest of men to release their inner soft spot

Yessine, only 30mins โ€˜till sad nigga hours, u excited?

by ah2wavey November 19, 2020

Sad Nigga Hours

The period of time between 11:00 pm to 3:00 am where your brain decides if you're still awake to overthink things leading to feeling depressed hence being a sad nigga

Person: Dude, you don't look to good.
Person 2: Yeah I barely slept last night. The Sad Nigga Hours were keeping me up.

by YerBoiKerm July 7, 2018

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Sad Nigga Hours

The hours of 12 a.m - 3 a.m where you can be your little depressed ass

"Damn Nick don't snapchat me right I'm in my Sad Nigga Hours"

by kenssso October 16, 2017

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sad nigga hours

Sad nigga hours is a phrase used by depressed people who like memes. When they are sad they call the hour sad nigga hour for some reason.

Tom: "Wanna come out with the boys?"
Alex:"Nah, sad nigga hours right now."

by Valentines.curse July 15, 2017

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