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San Francisco

I have found that while traveling the world that cities that are vertically inclined have an additional dimension of awareness and tolerance where as people in flat lands see their own 360 degrees to suit their own level. In San Francisco you can find a church that will support your ONE LOVE/ALL LOVE not strengthen your prejudices.

If you are visiting for more than 4 days try the green "Space Cake" on the first day and walk west on Haight Street and groove through the park toward the north where you will find Hippy Hill for what ever influence it may have on a given day. Street Fair takes place in a June weekend on the Haight aswell. Heard performers from Jefferson Airplane and Hendrix Experience etc.

by David January 26, 2005

101๐Ÿ‘ 71๐Ÿ‘Ž

San Francisco

A masterpiece. Frisco's got the best hobos.

Me: Hey, hobo, got change for a dollar?
Hobo: Sure DO, madam! *hackcough*

by wysiwyg August 12, 2004

134๐Ÿ‘ 111๐Ÿ‘Ž

San Francisco

Filter city on the west coast of the United States that absorbs most of the homos, pretentious assholes, red light runners, Prius drivers, hippies, foodies, asians and run away teens thereby making other cities west of the Rockies more livable.

Thank you San Francisco for giving the homeless a place to live other than Modesto.

by doc yamamoto November 6, 2009

106๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž

San Francisco

A city in Northern California that's similar in some ways to Portland and Seattle. Hated and feared by certain people across America (particularly the likes of Bill O'Reilly and other right wing political commentators) perhaps for it's liberal-minded and tolerant ways, it is a truly unique city and one which I sorely miss.

- Very friendly, open-minded people. Probably the nicest people you'll ever meet, most of whom are left wing democrats.
- Diverse in terms of race, cultures, subcultures, ect. (With tolerance comes diversity).
- The bay area is a fun place to visit if you enjoy sailing. Lots of bridges, islands, and cute little towns to stop by while you're out and about on your boat.
- Great weather and great scenery. Lots of beautiful old buildings and houses.
- Has a hippie and beatnik background, and is still enriched today by several interesting and unique, or sometimes just down right absurd subcultures! :)

- Abundant homeless population.
- As with any modern day city, some areas can be a bit scummy.
- Very expensive.
- Some people like to use the word 'hella'.
- Michael Savage.

I left my heart in San Francisco.

by Charlotte08 October 4, 2008

50๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

San Francisco

San Francisco is a beautiful city located in Northern California. Its full of many different kinds of people and great food and views. It is also home to many sports teams; including the Giants baseball team and 49ers football team. Great place to live and raise a family.

San Francisco is amazing

by Jeremy Las November 28, 2010

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San Francisco

An awesome place. Contains a vibrant gay community, an incredibly fucked-up climate, and amazing restaurants. Where it's impossible to get bored.

I was going to take the ferry to the Gay Pride Parade (seriously, how hilarious is that?), but it was full, so we drove. I froze my ass off in the middle of summer. That's San Francisco for ya.

by your Lord and Savior August 26, 2007

50๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

San Francisco

A liberal hellscape in California where you are more likely to step on dirty aids-infested heroine needles or human feces than find affordable housing.

Mackie: I'm going on vacation to San Francisco.
Thomas: Why? Do you WANT aids?

by Spudike June 22, 2019

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