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SARMs are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. They help you build muscles faster when combined with weight lifting exercise. You take SARMs stacked with 12.5mg to 25mg daily of Enclomiphene to prevent Testosterone suppression for 30 days. Then you take 12.5mg of Enclomiphene for 21 days after that. Then you spend the remaining 9 days having building Testosterone. You got to cycle SARMs and stack it with Enclomiphene. If you don't add Enclomiphene, you run the risk of gyno. Also, Cardarine isn't a SARM and there's no gyno with it. Add Protein powder and fruits and vegetables and steak and chicken and fish and cheeseburgers. SARMs and Enclomiphene stack well with DMAA (Dimethylamylamine. Geranamine.).

Alien: I used SARMs RAD-140 and Ligandrol and Enclomiphene SERM and DMAA and Cardarine. Now I'm more buff.

by GreenHexagon May 23, 2024


SARMs are something that grows muscles when combined with exercise, but it must be stacked with Enclomiphene to prevent Gyno and man boobs and also keep gains.

SARMs Goblin: Mmm. RAD-140 and Enclomiphene and Cardarine SARMs and SERMs.

by GreenHexagon May 23, 2024