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Scatter quail

The act of defecating. When you’re taking a dump and it flies out of you as if you released caged quail and almost makes a fluttering noise.

Dude I just scattered quail and stained the porcelain!

Did you see what Joey did to the bathroom? It looks like someone threw brownie mix at the toilet. Dude we call that scattering quail!

Bro I just scattered quail!!!

Man after that buffet I need to scatter quail.

by The gray fox August 31, 2019

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compton scattering

1. the decrease in energy (increase in wavelength) of an X-ray or gamma ray photon, when it interacts with matter
2. what happens when the police come near a large crowd in the ghetto

There were numerous cases of compton scattering during the riots last week.

by ortho May 17, 2007

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scattered ass

Many attractive ladies in any defined area.

Guy #1: Shit man, check all that scattered ass all up in that club!
Guy #2: You know we be rollin' up in there.
Guy #1: Hollllaaa!

by Beeth May 6, 2008

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back scatter

a tf2 primary weapon for the scout class it has less clip size and less accurate but when shooting the enemy from behind it does minicrits but the way that tf2 hitreg works somtimes it wont minicrit even when your behind them

scout1: why wont my back scatter minicrit im litearlly behind the enemy!
scout2: hitreg

by sniper nate October 27, 2020

scatter blast

When you have diarrhea and you hit a pocket of gas and the shit blows out with force, spraying shit all over the toilet bowl

dude I got to shit but someone scatter blasted the toilet, my ass isnt going to sit on that

by Dirty Joe Young April 12, 2006

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Scatter Cushions

Ass cheeks.

"I wouldn't mind getting between her scatter cushions and knocking her back door down"

by ftnessp January 29, 2015

Sexy scattered

To scatter something, i.e. jewels, in a casual and sexual way.

A vajazzle is often a bit "in your face", but hers was sexy scattered, so she seems like a quality girl!

by honeybunny91 December 6, 2011