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Life in the wonderful world of the unique scene kids of the country.

The typical scene boy:
Hi, I'm a fucking moron. You can certaintly find me on myspace. You’ll recognize me and my kind because my display name is namexcorexxx, or it has a huge word following my name, but I have no idea what it means, it just looks cool. I'm straight edge, when I feel like it. It totally depends on who I hang out with and what they are, cause god forbid I think for myself. I have no self esteem, I act like I do, but I'm crying on the inside. I have really nice unique hair. It's long in the front, to cover up my insecurities, but its short in the back, so i still have a little bit of masculinity. I shop at PacSun and other places that sell Tilt’s girls jeans I own numerous pairs but only wear 1, they have to be tight on my matchstick body, I love the feeling of my balls pressed up tight against my inner thigh. I try to look like a girl as much as I can without going under the knife. I don't eat meat, cause fall out boy says not to, but I love underage drinking and making out with other guys that look more like girls than I do. I have a girlfriend, but only so my parents don’t think im gay. I go to hardxcore shows and dance like I'm having a seizure or have parkinsons. I make a complete fool out of myself to try to get attention, even though I fail miserably. Sometimes I pay money to go to a club but i sit outside and bum cigs and smoke them hoping it makes me look cool. I really have no personality; I just do what my friends do, even though they feel the same way. I guess we're jst one giant group of estrogen and insecurities. I watch fuse to see what the latest scene bands are, so i can steal my dads money and run to FYE or hot topic and buy their extremely over priced CD. But trust me, I'm not like anyone. I swear.

The typical scene girl:
Hi, I'm 14 years old and am "sXe" For lifeone!!1one!1! I basically wear either short denim skirts with leg warmers underneath, spandex pants and a long dress like shirt that shows my vagina, or some crapily sewn hand me down jeans, & some shirt I got from a thift store, or urban outfitters. My hair is atleast 2 unatural hair colors, and is straigned almost to the point of death. If any of my friends see me with curly hair they wont accept me! My hair used to be long and cover my face, but I tried cutting it all scene and it ended up so short, so I scrunched it up, and threw on some hair dye and called it scene hair. I LOVE my fingerless gloves I got at hot topic for twenty dollars. No one else has them, except my friends, that’s what makes us, unique!! Along with all of our cute braclets we made from crappy beads we stole from our little sisters. I pierce my lip because it makes me look unique. I am a nonconformist, I do what I want, as long as fall out boy and atreyu and underoath approve of it. Also, if sonny moore wouldn't or hasn't done it, it must not be cool, so I can't do it either. I love Panic! at the disco too cause they don't sound like anyone else except for fall out boy, thursday, thrice, finch, and all those other awesome unique bands! my myspace says how I don't care what you think, But I'll dress however and do whatever to make you like me. So please don't break my brittle heart. But really, I'm so unique and different. I just do whatever my friends do
hoping that someday, someone will give a shit about me and my personality. No wait, I don't have one.

1) gloves are for bums that use old napkins & newspapers as sheets.
2) Peircings, extremely different, you know only ½ the population has some piercing besides earings.
3) Clearly lying, being fake, ranging from ages 13-18
4) kill me now

I Don't know whats more pathetic. Making a 10 minute movie on how to be scene, or me actually watching it. And it wasnt funny at all, cause they were being serious.

by Ali Lansing July 29, 2006

81👍 46👎


*explaination below

Many people these days have different thoughts on 'scene kids'. Many people also relate 'scene kids' to 'emo kids'. Well, let me explain them both to you.

'Scene Kids' are more in for the style, and the music. The music genre that most stick to are hardcore, metal, screamo or anything like so. Some also listen to, dance, rap, hip-hop and trance music. 'Scene kids' goto as many shows as possible to meet up with their friends, meet new 'scene kids', see their 'favourite band', and throwdown * . Music is not everything to them though. Style is also very important. The way your portray yourself will lable you a 'scene kid' or a 'n00b * '. Most 'scene kids' stick to the regular, tight pants, converse (now a days, nike hightops), band tees, colourful mo-print tees, colourful hair, colourful makeup, fair skin and headbands. Body modification is also a big part of being 'scene'. The more wierd the piercing/tattoo the more 'scene' you are. Meeting up with your 'scene friends' and saying how much 'n00bs' annoy you, drinking, doing substances, and destroying public property are a favourite passtime. 'Scene kids' also hate preppy kids...for obvious reasons.
The Rules of Being 'SCENE'
1. Having a lot of x's in your name are not scene.
(x's are for straightXedge kids, n00bs, and emo kids)
2. Adding every 'scene kid' on myspace isn't scene.
3. Scene nicknames are a must on myspace.
(Sarah Slaughter, Marissa Murder, Alex Autopsy etc..)
4. 'Scene kids' must goto shows.
5. 'Scene kids' always say they aren't scene.
(if you say your scene, your a n00b.)
6. Doing illegal things is 'cool'
(breaking the law is risky, looking like a rebal give you scene points)
7. Having a lot of colours in your hair makes you scene and 'unique'
8. Teased hair is okay, unless its unbelievably teased.
(having hair that is too teased, makes you seem like a 'n00b')
9. Hello Kitty, Dinosaurs, and other 'cute' animals are very scene.
10. Photography, Poetry, Painting, Drawing and every other artistic thing is scene

'Emo Kids' are emotional. They are not happy with the world, are heartbroken, cut and cry. These kids get made fun of a lot, which makes them even more emotional. Writing poems about how depressed you are, is very 'emo'. Wearing only black, and not having any colours is very 'emo'. Heavy black make-up is very 'emo' because when you cry, people know. 'Emo kids' do not care that everyone knows how emotional they are, they actually prefer it.

*N00b; Posers. These kids wear colourful socks, have little children backpacks, and usually have un-'scene' hair. They call themselves 'scene' which is not very scene at all.
*Throwdown; Hardcore Dancing. A bunch of kids in a mosh pit, waving their arms around, spin-kicking and doing a lot of other harmful 'hardcore' dance moves.

Scene Kids are also related to:
Emo Kids
Raver Kids
Hardcore Kids
& Goth Kids

by SammySlaughter July 18, 2008

13👍 5👎


A primarily teenage/young adult subculture, basically the same as any other. Its participants can be identified by their vaguely androgynous fashion and their obsession with Myspace. As in any subculture, all scene kids look the same. Unfortunately, scene kids are particularly strident in their insistence that they’re all totally individuals and not conformist poseurs like the rest of the world, which is why everyone hates them.

Scene Kid: I’m an INDIVIDUAL, unlike the rest of you SOULLESS CONFORMIST POSEURS.
Prep: You and your friends all dress the same, just like my friends and I do.
Geek: You and your friends all listen to the same music, just like my friends and I do.
Gangsta: You and your friends all read the same magazines, just like my friends and I do.
Jock: Face it, moron, you’re a conformist too.

by Diamond Dog April 16, 2007

9👍 3👎


hmmm.. alright.... how scene turned into scene..
in the 1980s the punk kids got together, and thought about all this music they were writing and said basically that they were tired of regan rock and wanted to write about their girlfriends, or the troubles at home or something slightly more appealing to not only a larger crowd, would incorporate some of their life rather than presidents or celebrities into their music. This slowly turned into a more musically oriented crowd, and musical style called emo (which was brought up as a slur by the way, the producers didnt think it would hit big, so they called them emo, due to their emotive lyrics). This musical style was entertaining and had more musical talent in the songs, rather than punk which was mostly power chords and major chord progressions, which was transposed to every instrument they played in the band. As the emo popularity grew, it stemmed into a softer, even more musically motivated crowd called indie, they generally wore thick rimmed glasses, skinny jeans (not tight) old school vans, and a short bowl cut, they were looked down upon as "posers" because they couldnt back the lyrics which they wrote. Indie and emos then merged in the ninties to create yet another culture.. this music was highly computer based, used synthesizers, and sirens, and followed very closely drug and sex based lyrics (for example: pulled up at the stoplight, the drugs on the dashboard, look at the mess we made tonight. kick off your stilettos, kick off your stilettos, and fuck me in the back seat, fuck me in the back seat ~the medic droid) and thus the birth of scene. it didnt really kick off until the oughts came around, however the style is fairly general, even though every person who is in this culture likes to be unique (what teenager doesnt?). they borrowed alot of styles from the eighties, such as big thick glasses, tight pants (if your a boy) tighter pants (if your a girl) and piercings and tattoos are certainly not looked down upon. usually band tee shirts, that are usually pretty tight, and skater shoes (vans adios es dc oaisis etc.). anything neon as well, or will show up in a blacklight. indeed like all teenagers (which is where most of this whole stuff started) scenes can be arrogant, know it all, flashy, hypocritical, and a large majority of people who call themselves scene are in fact posers ( for the sake of example: say they do drugs, say they have sex every weekend, but seriously, how many teenagers do you think are rolling X and having sex every single weekend?) but this is part of going through puberty, and seriously alot of scene people are really arrogant, and posers, but then there are a majority who just sort of keep to themselves, however people tend to notice the ones who behave badly because its noticeable. I see where those people are coming from.. the ones that write rather ugly definitions for scenes and emos and punks etc., however you notice jocks and preps and cheerleaders do bad shit, and you notice scenes who do bad shit, cause no matter who you are, where you belong, what friends your going to hang out with, if your going to do bad shit, you will, and if you wont you wont. thats it.

popular bands
- the medic droid
- metro station
- hellogoodbye
- 3oh3!
those are the ones i listen to anyway, and guess what, i dont wear tight jeans, wear blocky sunglasses or have an obscene haircut.. so yeah just the music for me thanks.

by SZIL January 21, 2009

48👍 29👎


'Scene' is a style which many older teenage girls adopt although males may too.
Girls tend to have outragous hair with bright extensions or side fringes. Their main hair colour tends to be black or blond.
Scene kids use outdated phrases like 'Rad' & 'It's the sex'.
Scenecore, is the more glamorous scene style while Sceneies associated with the Murderscene are more harsh and 'hardcore.

Scene Queens include: Kiki Kannibal, Koti Rose, Twigg Violence, Zui Suicide, Dani Gore.

Cleo Couture is so scene

by EmoGloves October 29, 2008

5👍 1👎


People, mostly teenagers, in which the boys wear tight girl jeans, have jet black, extremely spiky hair, and wear either bright colored tee-shirts, or black bands tee-shirts. Scene boys are often Bisexual, and most wear eyeliner and any kind of make-up. Scene girls have very volumized, very colorful and choppy hair, wear tight skinny jeans, and colorful t-shirts, as well as colorful hair bows, and bright, often neon colored eye make-up. Scene kids usually have bad taste in music, such as Brokencyde, Blood On The Dancefloor, The Devil Wears Prada, Bring Me The Horizon, sometimes even Lil' Wayne, Miley Cyrus, and the Jonas Brothers. They are usually very active on social networking sites, mostly Myspace, with depressing screen names, usually containing multiple X's before and after every word. Most have a fetish for cupcakes, skittles,rainbows, pandas, or dinosaurs. Personality wise, some people find them very annoying, ignorant, and/or stupid.

Scene Girl: Omfg, i wuvv dinos and cuppycakes and wittle pandas! Y4Y!!!

Scene Boy: Omg, same here:D and i wuvvvv wainbows tew!!!!

by brennalamp February 24, 2010

14👍 6👎


Scene has many many definitions,
But the term "scene" or "scenester" that I am about to explain is "scene" as in THE SCENESTERS.
The world of the scene is about un-original children who claim a mouth less kitten as their own, as well as worship it. Their hair is very un-original because they stole harajuku, decora, J-rock, and ganguro styles from japan. But mainly they steal hairstyles from J-Rocker's and claim it as their own. They ALL dress the same and claim to be original. Audrey Kitching is their second god, as well as the whole trasy life talk. Kiki Kannibal thinks she is the shit, just because she has a bajillion "fake" friends. That doesn't make her famous. Fame is earned through REAL life through REAL efforts, and NO being a model that is alternative is not at the top. It just means you're getting there bot not almost. Flailing limbs all over the place is NOT called dancing (though it is entertaining). The scene used to be about original kids who dressed and acted however they want.
Heck I used to be scene but I was ALWAYS original and tried to set trends, and still do. If you enjoy art and like to create clothes then do it!! Instead of always going to Urban Outfitters and buy a shirt you like because your friend had it. NO! Be original, not a clone!!
And I am not hating on anyone but this NEW scene trend is starting to tick me off. I am sick and tired of seeing half-naked girls on their profile. And yes, the people you should worship are REAL models like Kate Moss, Iman, Tyra Banks, and so on.
oh and who said you have to have straight hair to be scene??

Here are ORIGINAL scenesters that I bet you can enjoy and make friends with, they indeed are not assholes and since they have a LOT of friends they take a while to respond back.





by Laurita BeeBeecerrra January 17, 2008

7👍 2👎