In a rude act while three young lads partake in a classified scientific experiment when they insert the three penises into the lassies front orifice in a triangle formation.
Hey there Scooter, gather your lab coat, call up Calvert and let’s perform this fucking Scientific Billy!
A scientific name is a name for an animal that is based off a dead language and is just used to make the name longer
The scientific name of a butterfly is rhopalocera
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Official Definition: "The Ghostifferator™ lets you contact the spirit world like you wanna contact it. A flik of th' switch lets ya change the who the where an the when instanlty. Now I dont garuntee that y'ull talk to anybody, speshul, but like how many dead folks is there? Like Hunderds, so you got a good chance a gettin somebody on the line purty quick."
A device that a guy named Leroy designed, built, and put up on Ebay for auction.
He claims the 'Scientifical Ghostifferator' may (or may not) allow the user to 'contact the dead'.
Leory is also somewhat infamous on Ebay due to his "Lucifer's Hotpocket" auction from December of 2004, which was almost as famous as the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese.
Part of his schtick is intentional bad spelling, made up words, and really bad grammar. But, none of that seems to matter, because he has quite a following, and people bid on and purchase his obscure scam-type pieces.
"You must use yur invention only for the good of mankind and stray dawgs. An you will call this device a Scientifical Ghostiferator! An you will retain the services of a lawyur! and you will not eat of chicken meat and corn pone for ever an ever an Get a shower curtain whilst yer at it. And right then before it shut up, It said you must sell this invention on eBay cuz theys folk on there that will apprecify it proper-like. Bout that time, a curl of smoke come outta it and that creepy voice faded off in the distance like a fart in a breeze."
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An anime series. Better known as To Aru Kagaku no Railgun (とある科学の超電磁砲<レールガン> / "To Aru Kagaku no Reerugan"). A side story of To Aru Majutsu no Index (とある魔術の禁書目録<インデックス> / "To Aru Majutsu no Indekkusu"). This side series is focused on another main character, Mikoto Misaka (御坂美琴 / "Misaka Mikoto"), a Level 5 esper, nicknamed "Railgun" because of her ability to manipulate electricity, to allow the use of a special move that allows her to fire a projectile at several times the speed of sound. This "move" is similar to a actual railgun, a experimental Navy weapon which fires a projectile using electromagnetic force.
Hey, did you see "A Scientific Railgun"?
No, why?
It's good! Should try it, though.
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A term used by scientists when talking about the theoretical "Adam" of the present day human race. Some scientists believe that mutations in a male's Y chromosome prove that one man fathered all of humanity.
Every male has their own unique mutation in the Y chromosome. That mutation is passed on to his son and his son's sons. Now a mutation has been discovered that seems to be in every male that has been tested, giving proof of a Scientific Adam
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Dividing a single number by 10 then raise it to the power of how many numbers are behind it. Also known as complete and utter usless bullshit.
Math Teacher: "Wanna hear some utter bullshit?"
Student: "Wait, let me stop you right there. The answer is Scientific Notation."
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person one: "hey dude I dont know how to figure out how thos works"
person two: "dude, just use the scientific method"
person one: "ah, fuck around, find out. alsomost forgot"
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