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Somebody known for screwing people over, not in a serious fashion, typically used after you (personally) have gotten screwed over. ex; such as taking a small amount of weed when your not looking, or taking the rest of the booz after you got drunk.

Guy1: hey man you got some dank stuff...can I peep?
Guy2: Sure, it's the best. I'm actually gonna run real quick to the bathroom. I've known you for years don't pull some shit like running to your car with the bag.
Guy1: ok. *waits till fully in the bathroom* *takes a decent sized nug and tucks it in sock* *whispers to self* Ayy I mean I didn't fully screw him over like everyone else, I guess this is okay.
Guy2:*comes back* Alright thanks man.

Guy1: "hey my dad wants me home, so I am going to bounce, peace out dude" *nug falls out of sock on the way out*
Guy2: "..whats this... *picks up nug* ..that fucking #screwball did it again.
Guy1: *looks at phone text* (text from guy2): "you dropped "your" nug, I'm weighing out my bag..if it is over 2 grams then you owe me, otherwise don't do it again. I'm watching you bro, next time your not allowed at my house"
Guy1: fuck! At least it wasn't a 2 gram nug. I have to take something else since my cover on my daily nug routine is gone. For now, time to screw someone else, *calls guy 3*
Guy 3: *phone buzzing* *looks at guy 4*
Guy 4: oh hell naaa, I ain't in the mood for this screwball, I finally got a new xbox controller
Guy 3: *picks up* *talks quickly*yo bro sorry i'm at work, picked up a shift till midnight. Don't call me until then or I have to shut off my phone. *hangs up* guy 4: YO we gotta bounce before this cheesecake comes and checks the driveway for our cars. Once a screwball, always a screwball.

by screwmastah P October 4, 2015